Inside me is a thin girl screaming to be let out. I keep her quiet with cupcakes and heavy metal.
From Etsy seller Artology
The bottom pic is a roll of wrapping paper - I have a wild idea that I will wallpaper one of my kitchen walls in this and then varnish over it or something - I wonder if that's possible..time for me to do some Google research!
They were utterly adorable, possible the cutest cupcakes I've ever seen and they tasted just as good! I'm not usually a fan of chocolate cupcakes but these were really tasty and the frosting was out of this world - it was chocolate fudge frosting and there was loads of it - it was frosting heaven!
You can order them (no minimum) and I implore you if you like cupcakes to try them!
They tasted as good as they looked - the base of the cakes were really soft and fresh! And each cupcake was covered in lashings of yummy frosting (now I've gotten used to the non-buttercream icing I really like it!). I think the best one was Manny's chocolate ganache topped one! And to top it all Manny pre-ordered two of the Cookie Monster cupcakes to collect! I really am spoilt :)
Also if anyone else has any questions about cupcakes in London please get in touch! And dont forget to check out Kara's blog!
The pics above are from our tour last year :)
They can be bought from Eleni's in NYC, along with their movie quote cupcakes.
How supercalifragilous expialidocious
Thanks to Serious Eats NY for alerting me to these!
I'm a bit bah humbug* about Valentines this year however to counter-act the crappiness of the day I ate cupcakes** from Hummingbird Bakery which were gorgeous, and bought myself some rather spiffy pyjamas for a fiver from Primark.
We went on Friday to the Valentine's Slow Food Market at the South Bank and as well as a gorgeous haloumi sandwich and some fabulous beetroot houmous I also got a couple of cupcakes. A raspberry rose one, which I think was from Caroline's Cakes and Candy, (there wasn't any sign and I totally forgot to ask..it was too cold to think and I had a slight hangover after enjoying a few drinks watching Lordi on Thursday night!), and a red velvet one from Chocstar.
Further information here.
I arrived at work last Tuesday after a wonderful "snow day" and found an email from Lola's in my in box - they were dismayed to read that I'd had a bad experience with their cupcake from Selfridges and wanted to send me a free box to show how great their cupcakes can be. Although never one to turn down a cupcake I replied and said it wasn't necessary to send me freebies as I was already aware they could be nice from Selfridges, however I'd just obviously got a bad one!
However on Wednesday my reception at work called me to tell me there was a "beautiful package" down there for me and lo and behold a huge be-ribboned box of gorgeous looking cupcakes were waiting for me! All 12 of them looked STUNNING and I shared some of them with some friends in the office and took some home and I have to say they were some of the tastiest cupcakes I've had - the base of all of them was moist (including the ones we saved for the next day), the flavours were really nice and the frosting was FANTASTIC!
Flavours we tried included carrot, chocolate, black and white, peanut butter and coconut. The pink ball covered one was one of the cutest cupcakes I've seen and Manny devoured all but one of the truffle-like balls himself...my chubby hubby indeed!
Thanks to Lola's for such a lovely gift - it was trully scrumptious! Oh and those I shared with in the office were definitely converted to cupcakes!