Well not really an extravaganza but LOTS of cupcake shopping :)
First Friday of the month is PAYDAY so I headed to Oxford Circus, and Selfridges to try and get my mother some cupcakes for Mothers Day today - however they only had the special "I heart mum" ones with a use by date of 29 Feb or 1 Mar which was no use as they had to be sent to Scotland. However I did manage to get a couple of cupcakes for myself and Manny - I just couldn't resist! Manny had a rocky road one - which had a really nice coconut base and I had a banana one with pink vanilla frosting which was lovely! Lola's are definitely in my top 3 cupcake places in the UK!!
Also on Friday I visited Primark and got the two tea towels pictured above for a very reasonable £2!! Not only have they got cupcakes, they have pink pompoms too!!
Then a trip to Debenhams where I finally gave in and got the mini-cupcake cookie jar for £10. I would've gotten the giant one but theres no room in my kitchen as cupcake memorabilia slowly takes over! They still have quite a range of cupcake items for the kitchen in Debenhams, including a lovely "tea for one" set that I think may be my next purchase there :)
The candy cakes shop itself just looks gorgeous, doesn't it??
The shop is GORGEOUS!!! I wish I could put my pics from my mobile phone on here! Will pop over on Weds and take some photos with my camera! And maybe have a cake :)
My choccie cakes ruled! Who needs to walk anywhere to work up an appetite - not me :)
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