Sunday, 10 January 2010

More Christmas gifts :)

I met up with my friends Dennis and Helen earlier in the week to finally exchange Christmas gifts - and aren't they fab! As well as an array of lovely Hello Kitty stuff, I got the GIANT Big Top silicone cupcake mould from Dennis, and the cupcake a day calender :) He also got me a bag from Original Cupcakes in Vancouver, which he'd visited since I last saw him in October - check out their website here.

The gorgeous door-mat is from Helen - as you can see I'm not the only one that fell in love with it - Demon rushed from sleeping the sofa as soon as I put it on the kitchen floor. You can see more pics of Demon here, if you so wish.

Finally, my lovely friend from Chicago, Renee, sent me a package filled with awesome stuff, including Hellbent for Cooking and more Hello Kitty stuff, and she also made me some super-cute little Christmas decorations, one of which you can see in the picture of the cupcake calendar. If you look closely you'll see the cork is from a bottle of wine from Cupcake Vineyards! I've wanted to try the wine for some time,but can never find it here. I've emailed Renee for some feedback on it!

I am lucky to have such awesome friends :)


The Caked Crusader said...

I have that doormat too! Demon is welcome to come and sit on it anytime he wants

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

I got one of those doormats! I love it but it's proving very tricky getting the buggy over it on the way out of the house as the depth is same as the distance the front and back wheels are apart. That won't make heck of a lot of sense to most people but I know what I mean.

Manny said...

You have such awesome friends because you're so lovable :)

I'm imagining the Big Top mould all filled with chocolate cake and frosting, mmm :)

I heart cupcakes said...

Seems like a popular doormat - some days I'd gladly give away Demon to sit on your doormat - like when he wakes us at 4am just to miaow at us!

Manny - this is why i'm not using it -you'll only end up in elasticated trousers tubby

Btw Sarah - I know what you mean re the buggy :)