Inside me is a thin girl screaming to be let out. I keep her quiet with cupcakes and heavy metal.
After a hectic Saturday painting my kitchen a gorgeous shade of light blue I felt I deserved a treat so headed up to Columbia Road on one of the nicest days of the year so far. When I got to Cake Hole I was upset to see how busy it was so pootled off to Treacle instead and got a box of cupcakes - 4 for £7.50, with a mini one thrown in for my lunchtime treat! However as I was leaving the market I spotted the back entrance to Cake Hole and a free seat so I went in and ordered myself a cappuccino and a vanilla cupcake. I love how the lady behind the counter asked me if I had a specific colour choice of frosting!!!! A woman after my own heart - the colour of frosting makes a difference you know!!!
If you've read this blog before you'll know how much I utterly love Buttercup Cake Shop in Kensington.
I popped in there last week and bought the fantastic array of cupcakes above - picture three and four show Fantasy and Banoffee and picture four shows Sticky Toffee and Chocolate Purist. They were all melt in the mouth, sugar rush fantastic!! Although the Fantasy looked fantastic it didn't taste as good as their vanilla purist which and seeing as it was a Vanilla Cupcake I thought it would - however it was still lovely, looked great, but I just prefer the more vanillaesque Vanilla Purist.