Sunday, 7 March 2010

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

I'm sick.

I spent my birthday lying on the sofa, surrounded by mountains of tissues, stinking of vicks, feeling sorry for myself, while drinking Benylin mucus. Even cupcakes didn't make me feel any better.

Perhaps these Apple for the Teacher cupcakes, from What's new Cupcake, the new book by the authors of Hello Cupcake would make me feel better - their cuteness certainly brought a smile to my face! They'd certainly provide a sugar rush - a cupcake topped with a doughnut!!

These books are choc full of great decorating ideas! As well as the Apple cupcakes, you can also preview how to make their Playing Koi cupcakes here.

All pics with thanks to What's New Cupcake.


jessie said...

aw, get well soon!

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Totally brilliant - I love their first book.

The Caked Crusader said...

what a way to spend your birthday - hope you feel better soon

I heart cupcakes said...

@Jessielou - thanks :)

@Sarah - their ideas are lovely aren't they

@CC - thanks - it wasn't the best but we managed to get to Chichester and Brighton the day before for some cupcaking so not all bad!

Manny said...

You'll be fit and healthy again soon, don't worry sweetheart :) Hopefully we can make it to Crumbs and Doilies this weekend, that should cheer you up xxxx