Friday, 29 August 2008
The new cupcake?

Got a cupcake problem
Miss Conceited
I went to the last of a long run of weddings at the weekend (14 in two years). On Sunday morning, I had a piece of chocolate wedding cake for breakfast, then a slice of the fruit cake layer for elevenses. For afternoon tea, I ate the most enormous cupcake, left over from the evening reception. Today I’ve eaten a piece of carrot cake and a mini lemon cake. I’m a size 10 and in my early thirties. Do I have a problem?
ZC, by e-mail
Yes. Watch out for a slap in the face. Nobody likes a show-off.
Live, Laugh, Love and cupcakes (of course!)

Thursday, 28 August 2008
Cupcakes, Sephora, More Shopping..oh my!

Squeal like a pig for meaty cupcakes

Hello cupcake..theres a queue!

I found this via my Google news alerts...yes I've signed up for cupcake news alerts, and yes that may be a tad obsessive but meh!
Anyways a rather spiffy new cupcakery, Hello Cupcake has opened in Washington and has led to queues for cupcakes! The article seemed to imply that $3 is expensive for a cupcake, they should come to the UK!!! Also I read on Cupcakes take the Cake that they've imposed a four cupcake rule, so even after you've queued for an hour to get a cake they only let you have four!!! Mind you perhaps they should impose that here too - my diet (well LACK of diet currently) could do with some policing!
I love their section on the anatomy of a cupcake!
I want to try the vanilla gorilla, prima donna (SOOOO pink and gorgeous looking), the princess (so me!), de lime and de coconut (I have a thing for coconut cake at the mo so maybe even the triple coconut!) and the maya favourite, with chili sounds lovely too! Oh I want them all! Wonder if I could nip there while I'm in New York ;)
If you're nearby go check it out and let us know how it was
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Football crazy, football mad...

Sunday, 24 August 2008
Mountain Dew Cupcakes

Saturday, 23 August 2008
Covent Garden Night Market - 2nd try

Friday, 22 August 2008
Cupcake Customisation

Mmmmmmm meat???

Wednesday, 20 August 2008
It's Thursday so its CUPCAKE time :)

This weeks Covent Garden night market will be hosting Lavender Bakery's fabulous items this Thursday so get along there and sample some!!!
You can't stop rock n roll!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008
No seriously - I AM!!!! And I'm semi healthy too...well there's fruit in there!
Monday, 18 August 2008
Another day, another blog I'm engrossed in..

Cupcake D'lights is just too lovely not to be obsessed with though! Go check it out...and drool!
Yummy cupcakes - new goodies from Shana Logic

More yummy goodies arrived in my in box today from Shana Logic AND they have introduced a new Fashion Fundraiser section which will donate 10% of proceeds to a different charity every season!
Starting a week ago, 10% of the proceeds from the Fundraiser section of the site will go to the amazing ASPCA which helps prevent cruelty to animals!
The happy pin set is part of the Fundraiser section, so you can buy those and do your bit, and treat yourself to the mirror too in honour of doing your good deed for the day :)
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Spooky cupcake cases

Cupcake Wars!

Sprinkles high-end pastries have made the rounds of U.S. media, from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" to "Nightline", drawing locals and out-of-towners who regularly wait in long lines outside the company's Beverly Hills store.
The company, which also runs stores in Texas and Arizona, accused Famous Cupcakes in a federal lawsuit filed on Thursday in Los Angeles of incorporating the "nested circle design" featured on Sprinkles cupcakes on Famous Cupcakes packaging, store decor, and "each and every page" of its website.
Unlike other cupcake imitators around the world who ceased using "Modern Dot" after being caught by Sprinkles, Famous Cupcakes has not responded to repeated requests to "promptly stop using its trademarked design," the lawsuit said.
The owner of Famous Cupcakes, who said on its website she began selling cupcakes door-to-door at age 7 and believes "one cupcake is never enough", could not be reached for comment.
I do hope they can sort this out amicably - remember make cupcakes not war!
I have to say I do like the look of the Famous cupcakes bouquet though!
I heart cake jewellery

Friday, 15 August 2008
DIY cupcakes - LA Style

GIANT GIANT Grobswitchy Bun

A giganticus chocolate sponge cupcake, covered in chocolate buttercream icing, wispy-misty marshmallows, chocolate curls and drizzles
Bloody hell this was HUGE! But after a day of hell shopping in Surrey Quays (is there a reason everyone stinks when shopping but the personal hygiene aisle is always empty!?) it was impossible to resist this fantastic looking treat from the Roald Dahl collection of cakes and goodies in Tescos.
So as you can see this giant chocolate cupcake was GIANT and looked rather spiffy and it tasted rather great too! I'm not a big fan of chocolate cupcakes but this was really nice - the base was really soft and the frosting was really nice without being sickly!
There is a whole range of Roald Dahl goodies available at your local Tescos including normal sized cupcakes called Mr Twits Scary Hairy Cakes which are covered in jelly worms and other yukkiness - definitely worth popping to Tescos and reliving your childhood :)