Thursday, 29 May 2008
More Sex and the City..and cupcakes!

My cupcakes bring all the boys to the yard

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Celebrating the release of Sex and the City

Sex and the City in downtown Greenwich...London

Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Buttercup doesn't let me down...

Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Cupcake cottage for sale

She currently bakes six or seven orders a day, with up to 50 cakes in each batch. "When I make over 300 cakes in a day, I begin to get a bit weepy," she says. "And when I walk across the kitchen floor, it crackles with sprinkles and silver balls."
A website of mouth-watering cupcake images (www.cakeadoodledo.co.uk) and pretty gift-boxes with ribbons and magnets, helped to get the online business off the ground 18 months ago.
"You must have a cupcake," Kate says, reading my mind. It is chocolate with dark and white chocolate, swirly icing, topped with a Malteser - her favourite. "Cakes are good for the soul," she says. And hopefully for selling a pink cottage, too...
Any excuse for a cupcake!!

Getting my mitts on cupcakes!

Monday, 19 May 2008
The streets of London are lined with cupcakes

We caught up with the duo who, by an incredible coincidence of nominative determinism, go by the names Cherry Bakewell and Fondant Fancy.
So, fill us in with a little background. What's the basic idea?
Fondant: We simply want to add dash of vibrancy to this urban utopia of ours. We like creating scenes of contrast -- so we adorn everyday locations, such as derelict buildings, pavements and weather beaten window ledges, with a vivid splash of sugar.
Fondant: Well, it’s just little cupcakes at the moment but we’ve been nattering about using biscuits when we do festivals this summer.
Cherry: ‘Take the Biscuit’ could perhaps be our brother project? So if there are any tasty gingerbread men out there who fancy taking up the challenge, they’re more than welcome! We’re about little cakes for now--they’re so handy for transporting and dropping.
Fondant: I don’t think the biscuits would last very long in my kitchen--I’d have devoured them before we’ve got around to any icing. Although, imagine the fun you could have with party rings!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Sex and the City Cupcakes

Cupcakes and bakes

Sorry the pic isn't the best - my cameras being a pain and also the cakes were in my bag for a while and got a wee bit squished - still tasted fab though!
Monday, 12 May 2008
The cult of the cupcake...

Box of cupcake goodies

All hail Manowar!

Sunday, 11 May 2008
Nelly Poskitt's yummy box of cupcakes

The Cookie Girl

Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Diet cupcakes

I think I should give it a try as if I keep eating cupcakes the way I am I'm going to end up looking like the cupcake person on this box! But then I'd look so scrummy I'd only want to eat myself..it'd be a vicious circle!!
Sunday, 4 May 2008
In bed with cupcakes

I picked up a pair of cupcake pyjama bottoms from Primark on Wednesday for £4!! They go well with my lovely cupcake pyjama shorts set :)
I wont be eating cupcakes in bed though...crumbs get everywhere!
If I worked in a cupcake shop...

I'd not only be the size of a house and have to be squeezed Winnie The Pooh style through the door, I'd also be HAPPY! Imagine being surrounded by cupcakes ALL DAY! Just looking at a cupcake makes me nearly as happy as eating one..not quite, but you know what I mean!
However when I've gone to the Primrose Bakery, on both occasions its seemed like a chore to serve me, and others that are there too. I understand that I'm not quite of the ilk of their other customers, like the reputed fans Kate Moss and Sadie Frost (well I do look like I eat AND digest the cupcakes I buy rather than chew them and sick them up!) but still, I'm spending money in your store...would it kill you to be pleasant, and perhaps pass the time of day with me?!
When I first walked into their little cafe/bakery I swear I was like a kid in a candy store - the place is totally cute and full of nice little nik naks...and CAKE...but still the people working there seem harassed and perturbed. I know they're busy but seriously I'd LOVE to have the opportunity to open my own bakery and work there! I'm ALWAYS really polite to people in shops as I know how irritating it is for people to be rude to shop assistants from my time as one, and more so when it's somewhere fab like this, but I get the same kind of response from the people here as I get in Tescos! When I asked her which flavours they had on Wednesday I was thankful looks can't kill! Usually people in cupcake places are more than happy to chat with you...
For example, when we went to Bea's she came out to personally ask us did we enjoy our cakes, in Berlin's Cupcake the lady who runs it was adorable and so friendly Manny left some of his heart with her (he was quite smitten bless him!), and Crumbs and Doilies couldn't be nicer if they tried, and the same goes for all the other cupcake places I've visited, and there's been a lot!!, ....so I'm not sure what the problem with PB is..it's certainly not their cakes, which are FABULOUS...maybe we're just not "Primrose Hill" material!