Inside me is a thin girl screaming to be let out. I keep her quiet with cupcakes and heavy metal.
I actually went to Floral Street today in Covent Garden to check out the Betsey Johnson cupcake bag mentioned previously in this blog, however I saw it and it was just a bit too gaudy for me - lots of silver and bits on it so I kept wandering and came to Radley's shop. And I was excited to see a lovely little tote bag smothered in CUPCAKES in the window!! I immediately went in and asked if it came in a different colour as I wasn't that keen on the yellow one on show and wuhu it came in PINK!!* So of course I bought it..and its FAB! It comes in a little pouch and when you take the bag out of it, it stays attached and becomes a purse - so its practical AND cute :) And its also very environmentally friendly as not only does it stop you from using plastic bags, it's made from recycled plastic bottles ...fabulous :)
sounds like a fine way to spend the day to me! The devil does after all have the best tunes so he's bound to have the best cakes \m/
Frozen mashed potato!! That's correct - inside these rather tasty looking cupcake are discs (!!?) of frozen mash!!!
Today Manny was bitten by the romance bug and decided to take me for an afternoon liaison at Bea's (perchance to shut me up whining that I wanted to go...or maybe he was just feeling romantic!!).
The staff are really friendly and the place is gorgeous in side - the cakes make you want to swoon and the decor is really swish. I love the giant sheep pic on the wall, it just makes it feel so homely somehow! It even has a piano on a raised area near the kitchen!
On the way back from Greenwich Market, I popped into my local Sainsburys and was chuffed to see they'd reduced their Donna Hay range and quickly snapped up her Chocolate Cupcake Mix box for the bargain price of £2.09!!! They're absolutely stunning and I cannot wait to make them - I'm holding out till nearer Manny's birthday but not sure I can wait another 2 months!