Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Christmas cupcake gifts!

As you can see from the pics above I had a cupcake filled Christmas this year.

Myself and Manny had originally decided not to do gifts as we're going to see Manowar in Tilburg in a month (yay!) and have some home improvements (new windows..hurrah!) then we umm'd and ahhh'd and that changed to getting a few little gifts for each other as Manny wanted to make sure I had a lovely Christmas..and I did :)

So, my gorgeous gifts from Manny were - a cupcake cake stand, a cupcake message board, cake lettering and the slice of cake money box (the middle one in the pics). The other two cupcake money boxes were from the lovely Fahima (the one on the left) and Tasha (the one on the right). I also got Twilight on dvd and I'm going to sit and swoon/cry over that in the next day or so :) I am a very lucky cupcake lover!

The cupcakes you can see are fresh cream cupcakes from Waitrose. Originally I'd planned to go to Hummingbird on Christmas Eve to pick up some Christmas Cupcakes however my cold was stonking by then and I just couldn't face town so I picked these up while getting some last minute food bits. We had them on boxing day (too stuffed on Christmas!) and they were really nice with a cup of tea - they had a raspberry compote in the middle and the fresh cream made a nice change to heavy frosting, also the blobs of pink sugar on top were very yummy. I can say these were far superior to recent cupcake's purchased from an East End cupcakery which was inedible due to being rancid and very very old (more to come on this in a later post!)

So I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and got lots of fabulous presents. I'm going shopping tomorrow afternoon or Thursday to look for some cupcake goodies to spend some of my Christmas money on and I'm collecting some more gifts in the next day or so from friends I've not caught up with yet and I've been told cupcakes feature so look out for updates!


Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Fantastic goodies! I got a cupcake moneybox with heart shaped cherry on top too and also a weird box containing two flannels folded to look like a cupcake but Ted dismantled it within seconds.
I went past Hummingbird in South Ken today but it was shut, boo hoo!!

Cupcake Crazy Gem said...

I love the cake letters! I too was spoilt with cupcake gifts,my husband doesn't know why i get obsessed with things but i always say it makes me super easy to buy for! My sis moves to london tomorrow,jst around the corner from nottinghill..so cupcakeries here i come!x

Manny said...

I'm so happy you liked your pressies :) And thank you for making my christmas so lovely, and for my wonderful presents and christmas dinner xxxx

Kara said...

Oh my god totally hillaous are homes are becoming even more similar, my hubby got me the cake letters, I got 2 of the money boxes and the memo board, I like the money box on the right I don't have that one do you know where it was from I can never have too many lol.
Hope you had a lovely xmas, those cupcakes from waitrose actually look quite yummy.

I heart cupcakes said...

@Sarah -I saw the flannel cupcakes but I resisted buying them - they were quite a cute little gift though! Hummingbird is sadly closed till the 4th - I was planning on going to the new one tomorrow as I'm off work but that plans been scuppered!

@Gem - oh Notting Hill is great - you'll be so close to Hummingbird and if the Cookie Girls still at the market on Sat's I recommend her! I agree - you can't really go wrong buying gifts for us - just make them cupcake themed ;)

@Manny - I LOVED my gifts hon and had the best Christmas ever x

@Kara - thats so funny, we keep ending up with the same stuff! The money box is from Littlewoods catalogue - they also have it in Woolworths and Very.co.uk! They were quite yummy - not something I'd have often but then I need to stop having cupcakes so often anyways! I had a lovely Xmas - hope all is well with you xx