Sunday 20 June 2010

The Chelsea Teapot

Manny and I spend quite a few weekends in the Sloane Square/Kings Road area - mainly because its a way for me to get him out of the house on a Saturday by bribing him with curry from The Indian Kitchen Co at Partridges Market and a chili for dinner with the fabulous beef I can get from the lovely Woodwards Farm stall. And lets not forget Yummy Boutique, Sobo Chocolate and Crumbs and Doilies. Oh, and Love Bakery and Hummingbird Bakery are not that far away either! It's a little bit of food heaven in SW London! And it's such a nice area of London to spend a Saturday in!

Yesterday we had a new place to check out - The Chelsea Teapot. It's been right down the other end of the King's Road for a while (a year or so if my googling is to be believed) and is well worth the walk (or you can jump on a bus to World's End if you prefer).

It's a really cute pastel painted cafe with a couple of seats outside and a window full of cakes to tempt you. Once inside there are lots of lovely cupcake and other items for sale as well as teas, coffees, soft drinks (including the Fentimans), ice cream and of course - cake!

We opted for a vanilla cupcake and cappuccino for me, and a chocolate cupcake and peppermint tea for Manny and got a seat. There's room for about10-15ish people inside and more room out in the secret garden at the back!

Lots of the crockery is cupcake themed, including Manny's teapot of peppermint tea, and the walls are covered in lovely pastel framed prints or vintage plates and there's a gorgeous chandelier. It's a very pretty and quaint cafe. You probably can't tell from my pic below however as I didn't want to use the flash in the cafe as it was peaceful and relaxing and I'd have disturbed others.

The cupcakes were really tasty and fresh. My vanilla one had a hint of almond but it didn't detract from the fact it tasted lovely and was very flavoursome. Manny tells me his cake was incredibly chocolaty and there was lots of hmm'ing so I think he enjoyed it! The coffee was good and Manny's huge pot of tea for under £2 was a bargain!

The staff were as welcoming as the cafe and we shall definitely be making a return visit - we usually end up in Starbucks or Peter Jones for a drink after shopping but this is a much nicer alternative!

Oh and finally - the loos were so pretty I could've stayed there for some time. Again lots of cupcake/cake prints and a teapot rug at the bottom of the stairs. I believe they hold children's cake decorating skills downstairs in the large mirrored area, and there were adverts for tarot evenings. Hopefully their website will be up and running soon to keep up to date with what is going on.

I couldn't resist photographing the whimsical sign on the kitchen entrance


  1. this place looks so cute!
    London seems to have some amazing places.

    Right now I am frequenting the fabulous 'Cake Shop' (a bar meets bakery meets gig venue meets coffee shop) here in NYC but it lacks the pretty decor...

  2. that sounds fabulous, i can't wait to go there now!

  3. I went to The Chelsea Teapot a few weeks ago and I thought it was super cute in there!

  4. @Jessielou - London does have some lovely places! We wanted to visit Cake Shop when we came to NY - it was on my list of about 70 places with cupcakes but we didn't make it. It sounds really nice! We went to a cute little cafe called Ciao for Now which I thought was really pretty inside. And Penny Licks was as well! Maybe we should swap for a few weeks ;)

    @theprincess - it was really cute and very quaint :)

    @cupcake Kelly - it might've been your blog I saw it on then? I can't remember where I saw it but I decided to pop by at the weekend and then someone at my husbands work mentioned it as they knew I loved cupcakes!

  5. The Chelsea Teapot has to go on the must-visit list for when we go to Partridges. Everything about it ruled and I can't wait to go back :)

  6. This place looks fun, I will have to give it a try! I too love the King's Road! and Patridge's is one of my fave places to go! it just makes me happy being there!

  7. I love the decor. It looks really cute with the pastel candy colours. :-)

  8. I went to the Chelsea Teapot today and was extremely shocked and disappointed by the way i was treated by the shop manager.
    She barely said hello then came over to coldly tell us to stop taking photographs because she didnt want her "concept" to be ruined (i only took one photograph)

    She then came over for the second time telling us "if youre not happy you can leave and get your money back" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (she did not even give us our money bck !)

    + the cupcakes which are bio and gluten free, honestyle taste like nothing !


  9. Hi Carla
    Sorry to hear you had a disappointing visit. When we went I took a lot of photos and the staff were ok with it. Maybe it has changed hands? All the staff were friendly and polite, but it seems like you had a different experience.
    I can't comment on the gluten free cupcakes as we had the normal vanilla and chocolate variety.
    I shall have to pop over again and check it out.

  10. I had similar experience as Carla. The manager and owner at the same time was rude to me as well. I didn't take pictures,but... My 4 years old son asket me to come in for cupcake, but he wanted to toilet first. When we came in and I asked if they have toilet, this "lovely" lady replied: "For free toilet go to Starbucks". So we had to go to Starbucks and buy cakes there.
    She need to change attitude to people asap.

  11. @Anon - sorry to hear of your experience, sounds awful. I wonder if it has changed hands since we went? Everyone was really friendly when we visited. Sorry to hear you had to go to Starbucks - how rude of her - and who turns away a four year old who needs a wee?


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