Saturday 26 June 2010

Cupcake sale

Just a quickie. John Lewis' sale has started and there are a few cupcake goodies in their - just go to their website and search for cupcake. The tins are sold out online but you might be able to pick them up in store. Everything else above is available online now!


  1. how exciting! thanks for the tip!

  2. I've just seen the cupcake tins in the Oxford Street stores - they're really cool!

  3. Hmm, looks like it's time to do some (very) early Xmas shopping ;)

  4. @The Princess - no worries, I'm always on the lookout for a bargain!

    @Manny - nearly bout the cushions but they're a bit small for the sofa. And if you buy from JL you'll only use the JL card which I pay off...grr

    @Becca- they're nice aren't they! I have so many tins already but I do need to tidy up my drawers of baking stuff so could probably use some more tins! Ta for letting me know they still have them in Oxford St :)

  5. These look so cool, thanks for the tip. Not sure if I'll have time to shop before they all sell out :(

  6. Good thing with John Lewis is you can order and pick up in store for free :)

  7. I suppose it would be a bit mean, making you pay for your own presents!

  8. More stuff I want to buy which is cupcake related. If I had my way, the kitchen would be full of the stuff! x

  9. Suzanne - you need to stock up :) My kitchens bursting with cupcake stuff!


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