Tuesday 18 May 2010

Cupcakes Rock

As soon as I heard about them I wanted to some Cupcake Pebbles cereal. My Ann Arbour chum tried to find them with no luck and then the lovely girl who bakes/writes Metal Cakes got in touch and offered to send me a packet. We did a bit of an exchange - I sent her a jiffy bag stuffed with candy from the UK (well mainly - there was some lindt included!) and I got 2 boxes of Cupcake Pebbles. Then a week later my friend from Ann Arbor rung me all excited as he'd found me a box!

So I have decided to give one lucky reader of my blog (or follower on Twitter) a box of Cupcake Pebbles, and some other little bits I found at the weekend while clearing out my over-stuffed baking drawer!

All you have to do is leave a comment (with contact email details if you haven't go a contact link on your blog!) and winners will be chosen at random (out of a hat) next Tuesday. If there's only one comment obviously they win! Competition is open to UK residents only I'm afraid.

Good luck :) If you want to check out a 10minute video about cupcake pebbles click here.

UPDATE: the winner of the cupcake goodies is *drum roll* is Sindy aka http://www.gingerbread-ballerina.blogspot.com/ congrats - will be in touch for an address to send the goodies to :)


  1. Cupcake cereal? I so want to try that!

    I'm @maggiebob on Twitter, or email me maggiebob at gmail dot com

  2. Anne. Sorry to bother you again for info but I am down in Brighton till tomorrow and I am sure you mentioned a cupcakery down here before?

  3. wow cupcake cereal, whatever next! tina@teenycupcakes.co.uk

  4. Hey Maggie - thanks for your comment :) I must try it myself - scared to incase its just too sweet!

    Hiya Kara - no worries - its Angel Food and its lovely, in the lanes - http://i-heart-cupcakes.blogspot.com/2010/03/making-whoopie-in-brighton.html and the address etc is here http://www.angelfoodbakery.co.uk/menu.html (its quite easy to find - and has lovely cakes and whoopie pies!) let me know how you get on! If you are heading home via Worthing check out Parklife - fabulous cakes and lovely little cafe x

  5. OOOH. From a self-confessed cereal addict and cupcake maker this is bascially the best combination. I'd be more than happy to take one for the team and "test" it!


  6. Hello! I'm a regular reader of your blog and general cupcake enthusiast :) Just de-lurking in the hope that I might win a box of this intriguing cereal!


  7. Hi Anne,
    Leaving my comment in the hopes of winning some cupcake cereal goodness :):) My email is kaywhiteley@hotmail.com

    I only just found your blog very recently and have spent so long reading many many posts - wonderful! Apart from the fact that now I need to take another trip to London to sample all the cupcakeries!

  8. Mmmm they sound nice, not very healthy for first thing in the morning but I imagine they give you a good sugar fix. Love the extra goodies as well. Here's hoping x My email is iola@bethere.co.uk

  9. I really want some of those cupcake pebbles. I am obsessed. Anything cupcake or cake batter and I love it. You should try the hard ice cream topping thats cupcake flavour. Can I just say I love your blog and thank you for keeping us updated. because of you I have tried so many new cupcake places.My email address is icehockey2002@hotmail.com and my blog is www.gingerbread-ballerina.blogspot.com.xxxx

  10. Hmm I've been intrigued by this for a while and would definitely fancy trying it! if it tastes anywhere near as good as lucky charms I'll be pleased!

  11. I saw these on another blog and wanted to try them. Sometimes I wish I lived in USA. My next trip I'll fill my suitcase with baking goods!

  12. Ooh, these sound intriguing! I'd love to try them.

    My email is klemlondon at gmail dot com.

  13. Hello, what is ur Twiiter name so I can follow. Thank you and love your site. I'm from the States.

  14. Thanks for all the comments :) Keep them coming if you wanna win!

    For people who are interested my twitter name is @annecupcake!

  15. Love the blog. Can't believe I haven't come accross it before.

    I'd like to enter:
    stanniecakes at yahoo dot co dot uk

  16. Cupcake ceraeal sounds intriguing. Count me in.

  17. Wow cupcake cereal sounds amazing! Am I too late to enter? Its still Tuesday! Email is on my blog.

  18. Hi, everyone! If any of you in the UK are interested in the cereal, let me know. I'd be happy to see if I can locate some and ship to you all. I live in NYC in the US.

  19. Was just reading your 'about me' info and I wanted to share that I control my weight with a dietary mix of raw foods and vegan cupcakes <3 The only thing I've found that works <3

  20. since I'm on a winning streak I think I'd better enter this one too! xxx

  21. Oh these are so cute! I want!

  22. I need a good reason to have a sneaky break from my summer diet, and this would be it!



Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!