Friday 28 May 2010

Make mine a double

As soon as the Iron Cupcake challenge for June was announced "celebration", the three main things I like to celebrate with went through my mind.

1. Manowar - I wasn't what kind of cupcake I could make to signify a sweaty, leather clad, metal band, nor if such a cupcake would appeal to all,

2. Cupcakes - obviously! Birthdays, wedding anniversary's, Christmas, Easter, valentines, weekends, wet days, sunny days, basically any excuse for a celebration = a good excuse for a cupcake. However cupcakes are kind of a given as its Iron Cupcake so, again no,

3.Booze - and lashings of it. Preferably in a frozen cocktail concoction or involving hard liquor!

So I began some boozy cupcake trials. Not all of them successful.

First up - Jack Daniels and Coke cupcakes as pilfered from the Eat Me! book by Xanthe Milton. Although pilfered I did change it slightly and add a touch more Jack Daniels.

This was quite a tasty cake, although I found the cupcake base itself a little boring - I should've bunged a bit of JD in there or some chocolate chips to make it a bit more chocolaty. The frosting was basically melted choc, icing sugar, coke and JD. I added a bit more than suggested here as I tried it and it was a v.faint JD taste. In the end I may have gone a tad overboard as they had quite a kick and I may have got a friend slightly tipsy on the one she had! All in all they were quite tasty, boozy cupcakes but nothing special, and now I've learned how to pipe in a pretty(ish) fashion I like to do that rather than just the old method of slap it on which I had to do with these.

Finally the recipe calls for you to add black food colouring to turn the chocolate frosting black - I'm really not sure why as that is just quite absurd isn't it? Anyhow I didn't - I have black food colour but to me a chocolate frosting should be chocolate coloured.

If you're a fan of JD I would recommend these cakes but perhaps add a shot of JD to the base to give it a bit of a kick!


  1. Sounds great although I'm not much of a drinker! Been thinking about what to make for the challenge as well. Lots of friends recommended cocktail cupcakes but I suspect there will be a few so will try something else. Been too busy to try anything in the kitchen though, may have to wing it. Can't wait to try your entry :)

  2. Ooh, now I'm getting excited to see what you're going to bring along! To be on the safe side, I might line my stomach with some carbs beforehand!!!

  3. I'm looking forward to Iron Cupcake - although still not decided what to do. My second attempt at something celebratory went completely wrong - will blog it asap.
    Looking forward to see what you bake - wouldn't it be funny if we did the same one again ;) I'm going to bake this afternoon, if I get a chance!

    Yes I think perhaps lining the stomach may be a plan - I have a feeling booze may feature lots ;)

  4. Will wait to see what your second attempt was. I was thinking of possibly ice cream cupcakes but there's a few technical issues of transportation, think it's too tall for my carrier! Have been so busy havent had time to try anything. Otherwise it'll have to be chocolate something. Can't go wrong with that!
    Good luck with baking this afternoon.
    Definitely a good plan to line the stomach - will come prepared :)

  5. I really like the sound of these :)

    I agree - black icing would have been a bit odd - like cakes for a Halloween party.

  6. Oh my we do think alike - I thought of ice cream and jelly ones (even bought the ice cream cones) but then decided on booze! My husbands suggestion was chocolate and lots of it so you're onto a winner with him there!

  7. Glad you had success with the recipe.. I found alot of the recipes in Eat me rather hit and miss.

    Might give this one a go...

  8. @MiMi - Another fan of JD then? I think a lot of colour would be required to make chocolate black so would've left us with black teeth also!

    @Scott - I've tried two or three recipes and they've been ok but (except the beetroot one) nothing spectacular. This one would've been better with a much more chocolatey base - next time would make it with chocolate frosting laced with JD rather than just chocolate which was a bit boring. What've you made from there just so I know not to bother?

  9. I keep looking at making these for the hubby but they do look boring, I have found a couple of the recipes to be a little odd and changed them, these look lovely

  10. I am NOT a fan of the book I have to say - tried another recipe y'day -was totally irritating and included steps that were not necessary but in other parts said naff all of what to do.

    I'd make Jack Daniels and Coke ones again only this time would make a really chocolatey cake (the primrose one was good) substituting coke for liquids and then a good gooey chocolate frosting with JD in it!

    Did you buy the book? I honestly don't think I'll make anything again - the beetroot ones were good but y'days effort (Which I'll blog soon) was just grrr inducing.

  11. I really liked these, there was a good JD kick in the frosting and you can never go wrong with chocolate - I love it :)


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