Thursday 3 September 2009

And so has Sainsbury's Magazine!

After my cupcake-tastic trip to Lakeland I had to pop into Sainsbury's and lo and behold they've also gone a bit cupcake mad - the cover of their in-house magazine has a special cupcake feature written by Peggy Porschen

The article looks great (haven't read it fully yet) and features recipes,  tips on how to frost cupcake and ideas of where to buy cupcake cases etc. I'm going to make some cupcakes tomorrow and am wondering should I give Peggy's recipe a go?

I do think the pics of the frosting in bowls looks exceptionally similar to the Martha Stewart cupcake issue layout - will post pics tomorrow, and an update on the article, so you can decide! For now, some pics to entice you - all courtesy of Georgia Glynn Smith @Sainsbury's Magazine


  1. oh that does look good might have to get to sainsburys always nice to have some more recipes.
    can't wait to see what u bake x

  2. I ended up just using the usual Hummingbird recipe and they turned out lovely :) However my frosting colour went a bit wrong so no pics..I just covered them in sprinkles! It'll teach me to try a different food colour than i'm used to!
    The recipes in Sainsburys one involved lots of sugar syrup and was a different kind of frosting - with egg i think so too complicated for a Saturday afternoon!

  3. There was nothing wrong with the colour of your frosting, just a different shade of pink! They tasted great and that's the main thing :)

  4. Mmmmmm! They look lovely, gourmet cupcakes!!! my mum has been going on about this edition of sainsbury's magazine, I can see why now! She looked at it in the queue and didn't buy, then went back to get it and it was sold out. She is really gutted, any chance you could upload pictures of the pages so I can copy them off for her? Then she can make them and I can eat them LOL!

  5. Hiya Anon - thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner but you could try searching for the online copy of the magazine?

  6. Hi there,
    I was wondering if you could help me... I'm going to be making these cupcakes for my little sister's birthday party but I can't find the piping nozzles Peggy Porschen mentions on the last page of the feature (wide plain nozzle no 10 and wide star nozzle no 8). Do you know where I can get them from? And a suitable piping bag to use with them?
    Many thanks,

  7. Hiya
    My first stop for anything is always Lakeland ( If you type piping into their search you get a few options - if you live near a store even better. Places like John Lewis have piping bags/nozzles as should any good homeware/kitchen store. Good luck and let me know how you get on with the cakes!

  8. Hiya,

    I love this issue too! I bought the magazine but misplaced it even before I could try the recipes. My son's second birthday is coming up next week and I really want to bake Peggy's cupcakes. I've searched for the magazine high and low but to no avail. Wondering if I could trouble you for the recipes? I just need the chocolate and vanilla frosting recipes... please?

    Thanks so much.

    Sue Xxx

  9. Hi Sue

    I think I have the issue still - if you email me at I can type them out for you if I find it.

    Thanks for your comment

  10. i remember seeing a cupcake recipe on the front cover of a sainsbury magazine and they had a ruby red icing on them and looked lovely. does anyone have the recipe.


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