Thursday 3 September 2009

Lakeland's gone cupcake crazy

I was very excited to see Lakeland's window display when I arrived in Bromley today - and there were even MORE cupcakes inside. They have changed some of their packaging to include cupcakes - isn't it cute! Sorry for the quality of the pics - I was trying to be discreet! They also have the HUGE cupcake pan for sale - every time I see it I resist buying it, but I think I'm going to have to get it at some point - if only to hang it up in my kitchen as decoration! They also had some tea-towels, but they were over a fiver and only one of them had a cupcake on so I resisted (I know I'm getting better at resisting stuff...unfortunately not cupcakes themselves as my expanding girth shows!)

I did buy some little cupcake cases  - football ones to make some football cupcakes for my friends 40th this weekend and some Halloween ones, which it turns out I already have..ooops! What I really want is those stickers from the window - wonder if I could ring them and ask them for them! They'd look FAB in my house!


  1. I know isn't it funny everyone is going cupcake crazy, we were so ahead of the times, I nearly bought the pan the other day too, I really want I mean need it lol.

  2. I know :) I really think I'm going to HAVE to buy the giant cupcake. I think I may be doing cakes for another 40th next month so I'm thinking I could just buy this and do a HUGE one!
    I think we are obsessed btw ;)

  3. I'd love to see you make a giant cupcake, as long as it's for us of course, lol!


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