Tuesday 8 September 2009

Watch out....poison cupcakes

Oh. My. God! I MUST have these! Spotted on Cupcakes Take the Cake's Twitter I thought I was going to pass out with excitement and then when I realised I could only get them in the States (Already emailed Dennis in Ann Arbor to see if he'll swing by Michael's to get me some - why don't our craft stores have these kinds of things? And they're by Martha Stewart - I heart Martha!

I really have to get these for Halloween so I can bake Manny some fab Halloween/wedding anniversary cupcakes! 

And if you're looking for inspiration Michael's has loads of cupcake projects for you :)

Thanks to Patterned's Flickr for the pics and CTTC for the head's up!

1 comment:

  1. How cool - I'm looking forward to the Halloween cupcakes already :)


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