Sunday 14 September 2008

Is that a cupcake or meringue?

No you're right, it's a cupcake!*

Not from this weekend, honest, a couple of yummy meringue cupcakes from the ever great Hummingbird.

Ever since I noticed that Thursday is meringue cupcake day I've been meaning to pop along, and about 2/3 weeks ago I had a day off so I popped over to grab a couple - as you can see I couldn't resist another 2 - a red velvet for me (my FAVE!) and a chocolate for Manny (his FAVE!).

The meringue cupcake was lovely - I really loved the sticky topping. Not sure if I'd forgo frosting for it every time but it made a lovely change and was really tasty - I managed to get a bit glob of it on my nose when I ate it which is always the sign of a good cupcake!

*By the way my title of this post comes from one of my favourite jokes from Billy Connolly, which you'll perhaps only get it you're from Scotland - "is that a doughnut or meringue, no you're right its a doughnut"....hehe


  1. haha, love that joke! Only works in a scottish accent tho!! x

  2. It makes me laugh always!!

    Thanks for your comment!


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