Sunday 14 September 2008

Its the final cupcake!

of the cupcake weekend!

Desperate for a wee on Portobello Road and spotting a Coffee Republic I decided upon a fiendish excuse to use their loo...buying a Lipstick Jungle cupcake, which I mentioned wanting to try earlier this week.

They do a chocolate and a vanilla, and although the manager tried to persuade me to take two I stuck with one, the vanilla. It comes complete with little red lip sprinkles, although they seem to have been a bit miserly with them as mine had very few. So the taste....well, it was like a rubbish mass produced cupcake I'm afraid. The base tasted like a very cheap cake, it felt kind of sticky and not right the frosting wasn't really frosting, it was very sweet and not at all light - instead it was heavy and artificial tasting, definately not good vanilla frosting!

While its nice that coffee shops are trying to introduce cupcakes to the UK market this isn't really going to persuade people to eat cupcakes I don't think - if you want a high street cupcake go to Eat!!
That's it - I'm FULL of cupcakes and am now planning a sugar free few weeks! Well a couple anyways - Manny's promised to take me to Bake-A-Boo in a couple of weeks so until then...

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