Saturday 5 February 2011

Nuts for nutella!

Today, February 5th is World Nutella Day so happy world nutella day, or if you're from Russia Schastlivogo Dnya Nutelly!

My friend Kirsty is a bit of a nutella addict and as I was meeting her earlier this week I decided to celebrate a little early by baking her some cupcakes.

The base is a chocolate chip cupcake, basic vanilla cupcake recipe with 50g of chocolate chips mixed in. Once they were baked and cooled I used an apple corer to make a little hole and spooned a large dollop of nutella into the cavity. Then it was time for the frosting. I used to Hummingbird recipe for nutella frosting, except I added a bit more nutella, and a bit more milk to make sure it was of piping consistency.

Alas the frosting piped a little too well, quite a lot of the leftover frosting was piped straight into my mouth, and in turn straight onto my already ample thighs! Bad Anne! 

My recipe only made 7 cupcakes (I'd aimed for 6), and 4 were destined for Kirsty but I was able to taste test one before Manny scoffed the other two as an after-gym snack, and it was delicious. I really liked the choc chip base with lashings of oooooozing nutella. The frosting really was an absolute knock-out. I kind of went off nutella years ago after scoffing loads of it in the nutella cafe in Frankfurt but this has reignited my love of it! My poor thighs! 

I really recommend making these if you're a fan of nutella! Next time I'll try my original idea - a peanut butter base, filled with nutella and topped with nutella frosting (Kirsty doesn't like peanut butter which is why I made choc chip instead!). By the way she loved the cupcakes as well!

Have a wonderful nutella day, whether it's baking with it or sitting in front of the tv with a jar and a spoon!

Finally make sure you check out the nutella day website - it's full of links to blogs, recipes and facts about the worlds favourite spread!

And check out the ladies who brought the world nutella day - Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso.


  1. These look totally scrummy!! I definitely want to try them, but am not sure I could cope with a jar of Nutella in the house - I'd eat it all with a spoon!

  2. Just lovely! Thanks so much for participating, and Happy World Nutella Day!

  3. These look wonderful !!
    I have just fished out my Hummingbird Bakery cookbook and found the recipe so now I can have a go for myself.

    Thanks for informing me it is world Nutella day - I wouldn't have known otherwise.

  4. Your cupcakes sound absolutely gorgeous, I'm sure that I've put on a few pounds just reading about them. Might have to try and make then sometime, I think there is a jar of Nutella hiding in the fridge somewhere mmmm

  5. Wow... these cupcakes look DIVINE!!! Nutella truly is a magnificent, albeit incredibly addictive, substance! Long live Nutella! :D

  6. Those cupcakes were pure heaven for a chocolate lover like me :) I loved the chocolate chip cakes and I could have eaten that frosting by the tub full! Another baking triumph :)

  7. @Samantha - they really were rather delicious. I would never usually have nutella in the house - I've already had two spoons today!

    @Michelle - thanks for commenting! It's such a great idea - thanks for thinking of it :)

    @Elle - thought you might like them! Easy to make too!

    @Jean - thanks ever so much. I only used the Hummingbird frosting recipe (Slightly altered) the cakes are just a plain vanilla cupcake recipe - not the Hummingbird one I find it too dry!

    @Archies Mum - Thank you! I'm glad there wasn't more than one spare or I'd have eaten more!

    @Abbie - thanks :) I really thought I'd gone off it (nutella hot chocolate was so sickly it put me off for some time) but alas my love of it has been reignited!

    @Manny I knew they'd be one of your favourites. And what do you mean you could have? You did!!!

  8. That's some serious swirl you've got going on there! I love it!

  9. Thanks Sarah - was trying to get lashings of frosting on there!


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