Sunday 6 February 2011

Curly Wurly cupcakes sind sehr gut

Last year my work relocated near to Borough Market and I often pop into Konditor and Cook for my lunch, and try desperately to avoid buying either Curly Wurly cake or their Curly Wurly brownies. On Friday a new incarnation of my K&C favourite was on display to tempt me -  the Curly Wurly cupcake!!

Resistance was futile, especially when (a) they had adorable little chocolate bears on, (b) Curly Wurly is my all time favourite Konditor and Cook cake and (c) they were on offer, two for a fiver. Oh, and lets not forget  (d) I'm a fatty that cannot resist cupcakes.

We didn't get round to eating them on Friday as we were full after dinner, so had them on Saturday. They were still very moist which again makes me wonder when I buy a dry cupcake from (unfortunately) many cupcakeries in London when the heck did they make them! The vanilla cream cheese frosting is quite sweet on the curly wurly cake but I find it goes really well with the dark chocolate sponge - but be warned if you're not a fan of sweet things.

This is the first time I've seen these in store, and I visit often, so I'm not sure if they're going to start stocking them all the time, but I will check and feedback on here, incase anyone wants to try them. You can always bake your own at home if you want to - I know I shall be!

Oh and finally, I told Manny to choose one of the cupcakes while I jumped in the shower pre-gig going and he chose the teddy bear one!!! How mean!


  1. Am I being dim - are these meant to taste like Cadburys Curly Wurly? Apparently Curly Wurlys are big news for those that follow Weight Watchers. I was thinking of doing a low fat Curly Wurly inspired cupcake for my friend's birthday (she does ww) but I am not sure I'd get something like these K&C cakes past her! Shame!x

  2. I don't think they are - I assume it's more cuz they decorate it with chocolate curls. Not sure how WW friendly a chocolate cake is with lashings of frosting!

  3. Oh I got really excited then and thought they were meant to taste of Curly Wurly too...that's one of my fave choc bars! but they still look pretty good and the Teddy's are cute and that's definitely good news that they were still moist on the 2nd day!

  4. You make me laugh - we are so alike! I would apply your point d) to myself but would remove the word "cup"!!!!!

  5. Now I feel bad, I thought the bear one was for me because it had a love heart on! I shall go to K & C and get you a bear one soon, I promise!

  6. @Gem - I can't say why these are called curly wurly cupcakes, they're delicious though - you could always buy a curly wurly and put it on top :)

    @CC - thanks :) Glad I'm not the only one who can't resist the cake!

    @Manny - I'm only teasing, although I would've liked to try a smidgen of the bear! pout ;) Glad you liked them

  7. mmm they look delicious! i will definitely try making them in future! x

  8. The cupcakes are beautiful. I wish I can make something like that.


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