Saturday 12 February 2011

Happy Birthday dear I Heart Cupcakes...

So today is I Heart Cupcake's birthday. Three years ago today I started this blog, my first post being about some about some cupcakes Manny had bought me for Valentines from Lola's.

So if this was my blogs wedding anniversary traditional 3rd wedding anniversary gifts have a theme of leather, or if you're going contemporary, crystal. Someone once bought me a crystal decanter - why I'm not sure - can you decant Baileys or Jagermeister I asked. And meh to leather.  Instead I went for this....

Meet Cupcake - my brand new shiny baby pink KitchenAid!!!!!!!!!! Yep that's right after years of touching them in John Lewis to the point of nearly being asked to leave I finally have one to call my very own.

I can't really put into words how excited I am about my new baby but I can't stop touching her and smiling! I was like a kid let loose in the candy store today when we went to Chiswick to buy her. Everyone in the shop was super excited too when they saw her - she brings love to wherever she goes! As you can maybe tell,  I am chuffed to bits. My  grandparents bought me Cupcake as a late Christmas present, which makes it even more special as my grandmother is one of the main reasons I love baking so much. She taught me to make fairy cakes, butterfly cakes, millionaires shortbread and my favourite rude Scotch pancakes (they used to make me giggle) on her griddle which to this day I still call her girdle. I have yet to try a millionaires shortbread that beats my grans. Her great kitchen abilities have passed through our family, my lovely Auntie Kate, RIP, was a fantastic baker and we used to often spend holidays in the kitchen rustling up empire biscuits, tiffin and my favourite of hers - strawberry cream tarts! My mother is also an amazing baker, and cook. She works in a bakery in Scotland, but the stuff they sell doesn't even compare to my her home baked goods - her cakes were legendary with my friends when I was at school and even after I moved to London my best friend Julie used to pop in on the way home to collect some cakes from my mums goodie tin!

Cupcake will be christened tomorrow - I already have some fancy pants ingredients to make some fabulous cupcakes for her debut so look out for the blog post about them!

As it's my blog's birthday and I'm feeling so incredibly happy I have decided to do a bit of a giveaway. I have received a couple of silicone giant cupcake molds and if you leave a comment below before Friday 18th Feb you will be entered into a prize draw to win one. If you don't have a blog and you comment please leave a contact email so I can get in touch if you win.

The giveaway is available to UK readers only I'm afraid, but I promise to do a worldwide giveaway soon!

Thanks to everyone who continues to read and comment on my blog after all this time - and to email me as well! I've met some lovely people through my writing I Heart Cupcakes and have had some wonderful cupcakes in the three years -and my baking, and especially my piping, has come on leaps and bounds!

Now I'm off to look at my KitchenAid some more! And maybe stroke it!

Giveaway now closed - Winner chosen on was Abbie - congratulations!


  1. You've finally got one! How exciting! I know how much you've spent perving over them!

    I got mine a few months ago (it's just the basic one though)and I can't believe how much I adore it. It makes baking so much easier.

    I hope you other half realises that he's now going to have to share time with you with it!

  2. Oh, and I LOVE the colour! x

  3. Ohhh what a cutie! Great choice of colour! I am using my sister's green kitchen aid at the mo whilst she is living abroad. It whips the icing into perfect peaks!

  4. I know how you feel about your kitchenaid - wow all shiny and new - I love my Kenwood all sleek and chrome and full of gusto :) Happy Birthday x

  5. I'm so chuffed you finally got your Kitchenaid, if anyone deserves one it's you! You've definately inherited your family's talent for baking, I can't wait to see (and taste of course!) what you're going to make tomorrow with Cupcake :)

    Congratulations on 3 years of wonderful blogging. I love reading your posts, your love of baking and cakes comes through with every word your write xxx

  6. Happy Birthday I Heart Cupcakes!! Here's to many more to come :) Welcome to the KitchenAid world!! I'm so pleased you finally got one. It's such a nice, girly pink. Can't wait to see Cupcake's debut effort.

  7. Congratulations on your kitchenaid!
    I know the excitement that you speak of. I yearned for one for years and when I finally got mine I couldn't stop stroking it (much to the worry of my hubby!) The colour is lovely too! Nx

  8. Happy blog birthday! I've only recently started reading your blog but I love it. Cupcake KitchenAid really is ADORABLE! I've had a red one on my wish list for some time now (still a while off until one becomes mine) but a giant cupcake mold cold tide me over! :) x

  9. Happy blog birthday! I've only recently started reading your blog but I love it. Cupcake KitchenAid really is ADORABLE! I've had a red one on my wish list for some time now (still a while off until one becomes mine) but a giant cupcake mold cold tide me over! :) x

  10. I love your Kitchenaid, enjoy it! I have my eye on a red one, looking forward to getting it later on.

  11. Wow! I love your new Kitchenaid - it is lovely!! Even better that its pink!!! I look forward to seeing your first batch of cupcakes :-)
    I would love to be entered to win the giant cupcake mold. My email is

  12. Happy 3rd blogaversary! I'm so jealous of 'Cupcake' kitchenaid and what a gorgeous colour! I've done that whole, peering at them through the windows, thing myself.

    Sounds like you grew up in a wonderful foodie baking family. My granmother introduced me to some of my earliest food memories too. I've love if you could share the recipe for milionaires shortbread.

    Can't wait to see what you've baked tomorrow!

  13. @Ella - I'm so happy to have got one. It does make baking much easier but I have a feeling I over mixed today! He does indeed but then I share him with his BC Rich and

    @Mel - thanks :) I've always wanted pink -there are such lovely colours it was a difficult choice though!

    @Margaret - thank you! It's lovely having kitchen appliances to drool over isn't it!

    @Manny -thank you for carrying Cupcake home - I don't think I could've! Thanks for all the tasting, buying and travelling you've done for my blog!

    @Baking Addict - thanks :) I'm so happy to have joined the club. She is so pretty! I'm hoping to blog her debut later - but it may be tomorrow I think as the cakes are just cooling

    @Nadia - thank you! There was lady in the store I bought it in said she sat and looked at it for days when she got hers!

    @Gemma - thank you so much, glad to hear you're enjoying my blog. Good luck with the cupcake mold!

    @Kats - thank you. Good luck getting your KitchenAid -they're worth the wait

    @Merkyfitz - thanks ever so much -she is a beauty! Good luck with the comp :)

    @Katie - Thanks ever so much - I'm chuffed I stuck to my original want and got the pink. She is gorgeous, and glad to hear its not just me.
    I did indeed - I think being a farming family you have to be foodies. I'm afraid my grans recipes are secrets but I must make some sometime and blog them!

  14. She is so beautiful, may she be very happy in her new home and may she help you create even more delicious and award winning delights x x ;) ps I would love to be entered for the silicone mould too please x x x Kerry x x (angel_bakes on twitter)

  15. @Kerry -thanks ever so much, you are too kind! And of course you shall be entered into the giveaway xx

  16. Happy Birthday to your wonderful blog and congratulations on the purchase of Cupcake, life will never be the same again!!! xxx

  17. Happy Blog Birthday!! May there be many cupcakey posts in the years to come! :D

  18. Happy Birthday on the blog I love reading as I'm not in London I don't get to visit the bakeries but when I do go I know what to get and from where
    PS I love Cupcake she is beautiful :-)

  19. I used to have a KA.... but, was seduced by larger wattage and lower price... so bought a CuisinArt....and gave little Snow White to my brother.... big mistake. I am still listening to this thing grinding and chunking away.... wishing it would die. It might as well be doesn't do much, even with its supposedly "powerful 800 watts". I want my KitchenAid back! All 250 watts of it did a soooo much better job than this thing. My brother uses it for bread all the time... and the little KA is still humming along... sigh....think I'll just break down and toss this thing... get me a new KA......

  20. Happy birthday Cupcakes. Wow I love love love your kitchenaid and I am sooo jealous. I think they are absolutely gorgeous and I'm always sighing every time I walk past one of them. Maybe one day. Can't wait to see what you produce from your pink mixer.

  21. Congrats on your KitchenAid!!! I know how excited you must be, getting mine was the best thing ever! I've never looked back! love the pink colour - it's so pretty! Your baking days will be changed forever! x

  22. I wish you many years of happiness with Cupcake! I'm sure she'll never let you down.
    Isn't she a bonny pink girl!

  23. Happy Blog Birthday! I desperately want a mixer too!

  24. Happy Birthday! Such a lovely cupcake blog! I'd love to be entered :) my email address is '' xxxx

  25. Happy Birthday! I totally understand the wish for a Kitchen Aid mixer - I bought mine last September, and it still makes me smile. A lovely bit of kit!

  26. Happy birthday! I love reading your blog and comparing your thoughts on the different cupcakeries with my own opinions. I too am coveting a KitchenAid they are so stylish yet functional – I just live them. I think I may have to treat myself one day soon. Especially if I'm lucky enough to win a giant cupcake mould ;)

  27. Pop yourself online and start fawning over your next purchase - the kitchenaid food processor. Not as sexy as the mixer but a worthy addition to the collection. Not sure they do a pink one tho!

  28. I hope im not too late to enter! :(

  29. Oh wow the pink one, I am not jealous at all. My lovely white one is not sobbing in the kitchen. Lol. Congrats I am so pleased for you finally to have one xxxx


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!