Friday 31 December 2010

Most wonderful cupcake of the year

The end (of the year) is nigh and I was going to do a round up of my favourite cupcakes I've bake this year but I don't have time as I have a birds nest of over-dyed hair to sort out and make up to slap on so instead have decided to post about my favourite cupcakes I've bought this year. It was a close run thing - I LOVED quite a few cupcakes.

First up the runners up.

Best international cupcake goes to, Cupcake Berlin.

Truly DELICIOUS cupcakes with the nicest peanut butter frosting I've ever tasted. Also a lovely little cafe full of lovely treats, including tonnes of vegan friendly goodies.

Next. Best UK cupcake out of London goes to Swallow Bakery.

GREAT cakes, shame about the service. I plan to go back in 2011 and check it out again.

Runner up in the London cupcake of the year goes to Love Bakery.

Not only have I never had a bad cupcake from them, they released my favourite cupcake book ever, Love Bakery: Cupcakes from the Heart, this year. I've baked loads from it since I received it, and I hope to bake loads more next year. It is a fantastic book and I highly recommend it to all my readers.

An honourable mention must go to Ms Cupcake and her vegan cakes that still confound me. How can you make a cake taste soooooo good without butter? I just don't know. But Ms Cupcake and her team of vegan bakers know the secrets and they should be applauded. Also Mellissa is one of the loveliest people you could meet on the cupcake scene.

Her vegan bounty cupcake was one of the highlights of Cupcake Camp for me! Absolutely delicious and more chocolaty than some ultra expensive vile cupcakes that pertain to be loaded with Valrhona. (If I was doing worst cupcake of the year btw Cox, Cookies and Cake would be the winner - this place doesn't deserve to exist, and I feel probably wouldn't it if it wasn't fronted by two 'celebs').

The fabulous bounty cupcake however leads me on nicely to my favourite cupcake event of the year. There can only be one winner. Cupcake Camp, organised by the amazing Daisy. I am already thinking of cakes to bake at next year's event! It was an awesome day out and really showed how many great bakers there are out there.

And now, for the winner of my best cupcake/best bakery of 2010.

For me there could only be one winner. I've only had their cakes twice but the first time was enough to convince me that they were fabulous. And the winner is, *drum roll*, Kooky Bakes.

I first tried Scott's baking in July and was so overwhelmed by the selection I barely ate a cupcake! When faced with the Snickers Slice my brain just went into a peanut butter zombie trance and could think of nothing else. Hmmm peanuts. The SS incidentally probably wins my non-cupcake baked good of the year. How could it not - look at it, behold its beauty! My first visit wasn't cupcake free however and I did try a delicious black forest gateau cupcake.

We visited Upmarket the weekend before Christmas to pick up a box of cupcakes from Kooky to ensure we ended the year on a cupcake high, and we were not disappointed.

Although there was a slight, Anne based, disaster getting the cupcakes home in one piece (I blame it being so cold I had to keep swinging my arms to keep warm - poor Scott was dressed up like he was Scott of the Antarctic when we visited the stall!), the cakes slight squishedness in no way detracted from the AMAZING flavour of each and every cake.

Each cake was moist and incredibly flavoursome, each frosting a bite of heaven, as they were so light. Manny was awestruck by the Chocotecture cupcake - dark chocolate sponge injected with a white chocolate ganache,  topped with a ring of white chocolate and a ring of milk chocolate mouse buttercreme. After scoffing many chocolate cupcakes I finally think Manny has found his favourite. Every cake we had was delicious. I had a raspberry and white chocolate and a red velvet. I think I have finally found the best red velvet ever. Utterly amazing.

My plan for next year is to go to Kooky Bakes and get some cakes home in one piece so I can finally show you all how beautiful they look pre me getting my ham-fisted hands on them!

Finally, I wanted to wish all the people who follow my blog and leave such nice comments, and send me such lovely messages of support, a incredibly Happy New Year. I hope you all have a wonderful cupcake-filled 2011.


  1. Happy New Year!! I really have to visit more cupcakeries this year. Have a great cupcake 2011 :)

  2. Happy new year.

    I know we're all supposed to eat nothing but lettuce for the whole of January...but goodness, seeing those photos... I really need a cake right now!

  3. I dont think I've tried ANY of these cupcakes.. what am I doing?!??! I will try and get to some this year for some good cupcake love. Happy New Year!

  4. I have to agree with you, we've had some great cupcakes in the last year (and also some awful ones it has to be said) but I think Scott's ones are the best. That super chocolatey one was just out of this world.

    I think your cakes deserve a special mention too hun. I know I'm biased but you have made some amazing cupcakes lately that put so many professional bakeries to shame. I'm glad you're starting to get the recognition you deserve for your baking, as well as this brilliant blog. I am so very proud of you xxxx

  5. @baking addict - thanks. Hope you have a wonderful New Year. There are lots of good cupcakeries out there, but alas a few bad ones too! Hope your 2011 is cupcake filled :)

    @Samantha - I'm trying to be good with cupcakes for a while - but not too good as that'd be a bit boring! Have a wonderful, cake filled new year!

    @Catty - really?!!! Hope you get to try some I've recommended and love them! have a fabulous new year, and not too long till you're off to NY!! I'm jealous

    @Manny - *blush* thanks hon x

  6. Scott of the Antartic!!!! LOL!!! Yay for Scott though, a worthy winner!

  7. A brief but important correction - Melissa isn't just one of the nicest people on the cupcake scene; she's one of the nicest people in the world!

  8. @Sarah - he was in about 10 layers bless him, I got cold just standing there for five minutes so he must've been frozen half to death! He is a worthy winner indeed! Now we must make him write a book!

    @Miss Wylde - you speak the truth, Melissa is indeed one of the nicest people I've met! And always fabulously turned out as well!

  9. awww all these cakes look fabulous! yummy yummy yummy!!


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