Friday 11 June 2010

I want to smell like a cupcake

I love Fred Flare! When we went to NY time got away from us and we didn't make it to the store - next time I'll make sure we do so I can shop. Till then I make do with the bits I can get online or from places like Paperchase - hope someone stocks these handwipes soon as they sound right up my street and who doesn't want to smell of cupcake?

Update: they're available in the UK from Spoiled Brat.


  1. Hi Anne - just thought I'd let you know that I picked up those same hand wipes at a shop in the London Bridge tube station. It may have been paperchase - I can't remember. I think they were only £1 there. It's funny you post about these now, I had just discovered them and even brought them to Iron Cupcake to use, but forgot! I was also going to put them on my blog the other day, but thought I'd use them at the next challenge - not sure if that will happen now :-(

  2. Ann - I have these from a local dept. store, email me your addy and I shall send you some, they are super cute and handy for the handbag xx

  3. Hey Andrea - thanks for letting me know. I work quite near London Bridge so will pop in this week (I get the bus to work as don't live far away!). I got all excited about a Paperchase being there (one of my fav stores) but can't see it listed on their stores but shall go check! They sound perfect for my handbag - I've always got wipes just incase so they might as well be cupcake!

    Hi Kara - thanks - I'll be in touch if I can't find them! The website I found in the UK charge £4 postage - good grief!! xx

  4. They'd be cool to take to Partridges to use before we stuff ourselves with cake and curry :)


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