Friday 11 June 2010

Best ever chocolate cupcake

It was Manny's birthday on Wednesday and I offered to make some cupcakes for him to take into work for his colleagues for the "bring cakes to work for your birthday" tradition. I made the chocolate cupcakes from the Cupcakes from Primrose Bakery cookbook with their chocolate frosting.

As I mentioned when I made them before the cupcakes are a bit off a faff to make - you need to melt choc, then mix butter and sugar in one bowl, then whip egg yolks in another bowl, while mixing milk and vanilla in a jug and flour and baking powder in yet another bowl. Once all that is mixed together you whip egg whites to a soft peak and fold them in. It's a lot of washing up but its very much worth it. The cakes are moist and very flavoursome.

The only word to describe the frosting is divine. I rarely get excited about chocolate frosting but this frosting excites me - I had to stop myself from piping it straight into my mouth and leaving the cupcakes naked! It's that good! The secret is the large amount of melted Green and Blacks 82% chocolate that's in the frosting -it really makes it uber chocolaty and very very moreish.

The cupcakes were transported in the cupcake carrier to my husbands office today and they were all gone very quickly. His manager even sent me an email to thank me for the cakes and tell me how fabulous they were which was lovely to hear - it's always nice to hear your cupcakes are liked.


  1. These look amazing. Love your piping technique, very professional. Cupcakes from primrose bakery is one of my fav books. I made these choc cupcakes once but not the frosting. Will definitely have to try it! Ps thanks for the link :)

  2. Thanks :)
    I've been trying hard with the piping and am happy it's getting better. The frosting really makes it for me - they recommend the lower cocoa content chocolate but I go for the higher one to make it more chocolaty!
    No worries re the link :)

  3. They look divine!

    (Not going to lie, on occasion I have been known to pipe frosting straight into my mouth...)

  4. They look beautiful and sound super scrummy. Belated Happy Birthday Manny x

  5. I made these the other day, but used my own frosting (I'd run out of chocolate to melt down as it was a spur of the moment bake!) - Will definitely try it next time, though I think I'll put it on vanilla cupcakes, as even though it sounds amazing, too much chocolate is a bad thing sometimes :p

  6. These look delicious! I've been hearing really good things about the Primrose bakery book recently. I might have to purchase it under your recommendation - have you tried any other recipes from the book?

  7. @Baking and Caking - I'm told they tasted good - shame I couldn't even get to try one!! Glad I'm not the only one that does that with the frosting. I had a bit left over to left it in a tupperware dish for hubby which he scoffed when he came back from the gym!

    @Kara - thanks hon! Manny says thank you :)

    @Nat - I'm more of a vanilla cupcake girl but my hubby is a chocolate lover so these double chocolates were a must for him!

    @Beale's Kitchen -I've made the vanilla, earl grey (v.nice) and a few other bits from the book. Their vanilla frosting is fab, the cakes are quite dense though. It's on Amazon for about £7 and well worth it I'd say!

  8. Excellent, i'll have to give it a go. I made Hummingbird chocolate cakes and they were too rich, and yesterday I made Martha Stewart's chocolate brownie cupcakes which I blogged about earlier, so I think Primrose's cupcakes are next on the chocolate agenda!

  9. I was actually going to use the Martha Chocolate Brownie recipe but opted for the very chocolaty one from Primrose as my husbands a choco-holic - will check out your blog in a bit!
    I have made the Hummingbird Chocolate cupcakes but I recall a disaster (can't find them on my blog but they are here somewhere). I really like a chocolate rolo cupcake recipe I used by Hannah who was on Masterchef - its on here also if you use the search!

  10. I just found the post, the last rolo idea is really sweet - I must try that! Thanks for the idea :)
    Next up, I want to try chocolate chip - a healthy balance between vanilla and chocolate :)

  11. Those cakes were truly amazing! It was REALLY hard for me to share them out, I wanted to keep at least half a dozen for myself but I ended up just having too. We have a lot of cakes brought in at my work and everyone agreed these were some of the best they had EVER tasted - you should be so proud of yourself hun :) And thank you for making my birthday extra-special xxxx


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