Sunday 9 August 2009

Post beer festival cupcakes

As mentioned in the previous post we bought some take-away cupcakes at Hummingbird to relieve the post-beer fest hangover - these were a black bottom and a chocolate for Manny and a red velvet and a pear and cinammon (Friday's cupcake of the day) for me (which got a bit squished in the cloakrooms at the beer fest)

I really liked the pear and cinammon, not sure I'd have it again though as there wasn't much pear in it. Also I heart red velvet but I seem not to enjoy the cheese frosting so much anymore - I think its since I made red velvet I've gone off them....the horror! 

Next time I got to Hummingbird I shall try to ensure it's a Sunday when the cupcake of the day is black forest which sounds gorge!

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