Sunday 9 August 2009

Martha Stewart's Cupcakes

Finally I got my hands on the latest mammoth book of Cupcakes by Martha Stewart and it is simply one of the most glorious pieces of cupcake pornography ever to grace my hands! It is filled with pictures to make you drool. There are 175 of recipes to keep you busy for months of cupcaking - from everyday cupcakes to filled and layered to special holiday cupcakes. There is a section on the basics with hints and tips (ie how to make a piping bag),  and did I mention  the photography is stunning!

 I heart Martha and wish she was as big here as she is in the States but alas thanks to our Government treating her like public enemy number one and refusing her entry to the UK (Which riles me as we let known terrorists and all manner of evil people in and give them free-reign in our country but a woman who committed a crime and cooks cupcakes is refused entry...utter poppycock!) I'll just have to rely on her books and magazine for my Martha fix. 

Her websites great too! 

I shall definitely be trying my hand at the witchy cupcakes for Halloween - and maybe the Devils food ones for Manny sometime soon too! 

Pics courtesy of Martha Stewart - with thanks


  1. I've made 2 recipes from the book so far and have mixed reviews. The chocolate chip were fantastic, but the allergy free were terrible. (If you want a delicious version of those, try Joy of Cooking's Chocolate Vegan cake recipe.) I'm thinking I'll have to make a third try as a tie breaker. The book is beautiful though!

  2. Hi Laura
    Thanks for your comment - I have a feeling my first cupcake from there will be the devils food one as my husband will sulk if not! Will let you know how it goes when I make it!
    thanks for stopping by to comment - I've just been checking out your blog - its great :) And yes the book is gorgeous I agree!Oh and thanks for the tip re Joy of Cooking

  3. A big fan of Martha's too. Your blog's really fantastic, as usual

  4. Hi Chocoralie - thanks for your lovely comments re my blog :)

  5. Devils food cupcakes please!! The chocolate one in the picture looks like it should have my name on it :)

  6. I shall try and do them next weekend - just for you :)

  7. Just bought the same book. I really hope they'll be a success. What's your favorite cupcake recipe book?

  8. @Kathy - I really liked a couple I've baked from the Hummingbird book. I've not baked any from the Martha Stewart one yet - I was going to this week but all the recipes I've wanted to try are for 32 cakes...far too many so I need to convert them down a bit!
    Primrose Bakery have a book coming out soon so I'm looking forward to that. Please let me know how you get on with your baking :)


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!