Saturday 13 September 2008

The tale of the Cookie Girl and a courgette!

First visit on our mini-cupcake tour of the Notting Hill area was the Cookie Girl's stall in Portobello Rd market! Manny had been keen to visit the Cookie Girl ever since seeing her website and was rather excited to finally go there today!

As usual the selection of cupcakes was FANTASTIC! We opted for 4 - vanilla, courgette (top pic) and Jack Daniels and coke and chocolate praline (second pic). Other flavours included beetroot, pina colada and some other fab ones I can't remember! I opted for the courgette due to the fab green frosting! Manny also had a chocolate and orange brownie - no pics as he snuffled it as soon as he got it - he said it was magnificent!

We had the cupcakes when we got home with a nice cuppa tea and my favourite was definitely the courgette - the base was really really nice and the frosting was absolutely gorgeous - I could have eaten it by the cup. Who'd have thought something like a courgette could make one of the best cupcakes I've ever had! Manny's Jack Daniels and coke one was really nice as well - the frosting was very dense and chocolaty! Manny declared these his favourite cupcakes ever!

I do kinda regret not having the beetroot one now - I wasn't sure how they'd taste, but after the courgette one I'm thinking the beetroot one would've been yummy too!

Am looking forward to the Cookie Girl's cookbook coming out -it'll be a fave on my shelf for sure!

As you can see Angel enjoyed a bit of the vanilla frosting as well - her nickname is pudding due to her tendency to run over to me and look at me imploringly if ever I have anything pudding-like! Today she got a bit of frosting and she's my best friend :)

1 comment:

  1. The title of this post had my imagination running riot ;) Those were lovely cupcakes indeed, we have to go back and try the beetroot one soon! The brownie was delicious too, I was too hungry to wait for you to take a pic, sorry!


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