Saturday 13 September 2008

EAT cupcakes - a cupcake weekend

Manny took me up to Ladbrooke Grove/Notting Hill for a bit of a cupcake day out (and a sneaky visit to the Notting Hill Record and Tape Exchange for him!) as I'd not had a cupcake for over 2 weeks!!!

We visited the Cookie Girl's stall and also popped into Hummingbird Bakery, will post about those later (we've not eaten them all the Hummingbird ones are packed away for tomorrow!), but when we wanted a coffee we popped into Eat and I couldn't resist one of their new range of cupcakes. I've had a vanilla one before which was really nice and this time plumped for something different, a coffee and walnut - I'm not usually a fan of coffee items but this looked really nice and it was absolutely lovely! The base was really soft and tasty and the frosting was very nice, with a hint of cinnamon! Definitely the best "chain" cupcake I've ever had.

They have a whole range of new cupcakes; including Sicilian, Belgian Chocolate and a rather scrumptious sounding Victoria sponge cupcake which I MUST check out!

The second pic is of the chocolate muffin Manny had in Eat - he insisted I take a pic of it and mention it was one of the best muffins he'd had - full of chocolate!! I had a bite and it was rather yummy!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day out that was :) My Eat muffin did rule!


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