Friday 15 August 2008

GIANT GIANT Grobswitchy Bun

A giganticus chocolate sponge cupcake, covered in chocolate buttercream icing, wispy-misty marshmallows, chocolate curls and drizzles

Bloody hell this was HUGE! But after a day of hell shopping in Surrey Quays (is there a reason everyone stinks when shopping but the personal hygiene aisle is always empty!?) it was impossible to resist this fantastic looking treat from the Roald Dahl collection of cakes and goodies in Tescos.

So as you can see this giant chocolate cupcake was GIANT and looked rather spiffy and it tasted rather great too! I'm not a big fan of chocolate cupcakes but this was really nice - the base was really soft and the frosting was really nice without being sickly!

There is a whole range of Roald Dahl goodies available at your local Tescos including normal sized cupcakes called Mr Twits Scary Hairy Cakes which are covered in jelly worms and other yukkiness - definitely worth popping to Tescos and reliving your childhood :)

By the way this is NOT something to eat often- check out the calorie/fat content...eeeeek!

1 comment:

  1. I could eat one of these every day, it was so tasty :)


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