Friday 15 August 2008

DIY cupcakes - LA Style

My adorable friend Dennis returned from his trip back to Ann Arbour with a veritable feast of goodies for me. I'm so lucky to have someone who will happily schlep to Williams Sonoma for me, although he claims he refused their offer to sign up to their mailing list and pleaded with them to restrict internet access to America only..pshaw! Never mind I check the site LOADS! Way too much actually -its a bit obsessive!

Of course I'm ALWAYS excited to meet my friends but this time was particularly exciting as Dennis - the worst surprise keeper ever - had already told me what he'd bought me on the phone so I was totally excited all day Monday and it was worth it as he'd kept some the two Cup A Cake containers (for cupcakes on the go!) he'd gotten and a MASSIVE amount of Hello Kitty goodies! And of course the TWO bake your own SPRINKLES sets complete with their trademark dots! wuhu

I can't wait to bake them and eat them of course :)


  1. I have given you an award on my blog - pop by sometime to see

  2. I can't wait for you to bake them, I'm sure they will rule xxx


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