Monday, 18 February 2013

Butter v Stork challenge

I was watching Food and Drink last week with Mary Berry and Michel Roux Jr and the question - what makes a better cake, Butter or Stork - came up again. They tasted two cakes made to Mary's recipe one made using butter, the other with Stork and all three testers preferred the taste of the Stork cake.

As well as shocking me, this got me thinking that over the years I've always argued that butter is always better....but is it?

The Butter v Stork baking challenge was conceived.

I'm arranging an event in London (venue to be confirmed) hopefully in March. I'm aiming for a Monday (hopefully evening) so people can bake on the Sunday when they have no work. This is where you can help - we'll need a few bakers to bake cakes as I cannot bake them all myself. No fancy baking is required - just basic good old fashioned cakes - two of each, one with butter, one with Stork. Once we have the bakers decided we can arrange what butter to use (I think it's best we all used the same butter) and what cakes to bake. Obviously we can do cupcakes or cakes - this can all be decided once we have more info.

We will obviously also need some taste testers.

If you are interested please get in touch via email, Twitter (@annecupcake) or leaving a comment below.

And thanks to Helen at Fuss Free Flavours for putting me in touch with people on Twitter who are aiming to help out with venues.

Please get involved so we can finally answer this very important question once and for all.


  1. I'm interested - my shifts mean I'm not very easy to schedule round, but if I can, I'd love to help bake / test/ photograph and blog

  2. Hi Anne, I wondered about this too,I've always sworn by butter. Let me know the dates and if I am around I will be happy to get involved! Kat (

  3. PrimPrim (NomNomBites)17 April 2013 at 20:36

    Hi Anne, did you ever get around to this? I swear by butter. I watched that episode as well and was surprised that they all preferred the stork cake. But I'm not sure that the recipes were identical (except for the fat used of course). I've baked enough cakes and know enough about food chemistry to be able to tell if butter or margarine has been used.

  4. I confess that I'm still not certain margarine doesn't actually make better cakes.
    They don't taste exactly the same, sure, but the texture can be much better, I think...


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!