Saturday 14 May 2011

Eurovision Kuchen

Even though I'm a heavy metal girl through and through it has been a tradition in my life to watch Eurovision every year - mainly with a bottle of alcohol and lots of tv treats, so this year I thought I'd bake up something delicious to scoff while we watch.

As you may know tonight the UK is being represented by Blue - a band that I only really know of because I think Lee Ryan is an utter knob. Google him and read some of his 'thoughts' and you'll realise why. Oh yeah and another one of them thinks it's acceptable to urinate in the street. While using a cash machine. Twat.

However I couldn't resist making some Eurovision cupcakes in their honour - well I had a glut of fruit to use up and ta da....

the Blue cupcake was born. It is basically a basic vanilla cupcake with some puréed blueberries in it and a dash of blue food colouring. Then they are covered in a lemon buttercream frosting. And they are quite delicious.

Now I must dash and watch Eurovision - fingers crossed something as good as Lordi is amongst the usual tosh!!

But just quickly.....originally I was going to merge my blue cupcakes with Friday 13th cupcakes but we spent yesterday at the eye hospital so didn't get a chance to make them - however I did make my toppers out of white chocolate, coloured grey. Aren't they gruesome?


  1. I Love the brain toppers they look brill! :D ENJOY Eurovision! I also watch it every year and I managed to get all of my work colleagues obsessed with it last year so we're having a "Eurovision Party" this year! xx

  2. The brains are revolting and brilliant. They'd look good on top of a red velvet.

  3. Last night was my Eurovision birthing experience and I loved it! I've always flicked away after 30 seconds, but the production values really seem to have come on; watching it with the benefit of people taking the mickey on Twitter enhanced it as well.
    That guy from Blue who weed at the ATM is vile. Wee in public if you really have to, but not where people are going to be standing or someone's mum is going to have to clean it the next day. What an ignorant pig.

  4. Oooh those cupcakes look lovely! The brain toppers are gross tho....ugh :)

  5. Blue velvet, how fun! I love how vivid the blue is! and the brains are great!

  6. Abbbie - thanks. I was chuffed with how they turned out - that's my Halloween toppers sorted (fresh obviously!!). Hope the party went well!

    Lucy - I think they'd look fab on top of an oooozing red velvet - gruesome

    Sarah - really? Glad you enjoyed it - Twitter seemed to go mad with it :) Isn't he gross - needed to be sent out to clean the streets as punishment. Glad they lost - I was gutted Jedward or Moldova didn't win

    Nicsnotebook - they taste good though. Honest!

    GEm - the colour is amazing - and I didn't have to use too much blue food paste! Thanks :) Hope you're enjoying London life!

  7. I hope this is a compliment - those cupcake toppers are GROSS!!

  8. I love Eurovision - Moldova were robbed!
    Cupcakes look great

  9. Those brain toppers look awesome, I think you'd better hurry up and bake something to put them on because it's taking me all my willpower not to eat them :)

    Eurovision wasn't the same without Terry Wogan's commentary and there were far too many boring songs and a distinct lack of comedy (Jedward and Moldova excepted) or buxom babes :(

  10. Kerry - I do take it as a compliment - thanks :)

    Caked Crusader - I KNOW! I was thinking I could've made some chocolate cone topped cupcakes to replicate their amazing outfits!

    Manny - thanks hon - you can eat them as I won't be making anything suitable for a while I think.
    It was a bit boring this year - I miss the mental people! Jedward and Moldova were both fabulous though

  11. They are really precious. Greetings

  12. Ooh, how did you make the brain toppers? Moulds? Love them and I adore the idea of Blue Velvet too :)

  13. Hi Dharma - thanks :)

    Hey MiMi - I used my Fred brains ice cube maker - which I bought last year just to make chocolate toppers! The blue velvet was tasty but could've done with some more flavour in it

  14. The blueberry and lemon cake looks divine. The brain toppers are scarily realistic! Well done!


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