Sunday 1 May 2011

Bakery at County Hall

I posted this image on my Twitter feed yesterday and got quite a lot of questions asking me where I was. Isn't it lovely?

We chanced upon, Bakery County Hall, on our way to the South Bank food market yesterday and I'm so glad we spotted the macaron tower in the window which is what made us explore further. It is a charming, quite large, cafe/bakery housed at the back of County Hall, away from the river.

We took a peak inside and I saw all the pretty pink things, and packages of meringues tied up with ribbon hanging from the ceiling and I was sold - we had to go inside.

There were even little jars of cupcakes dotted around. So cute!

The place itself is quite large with a lot of seating -when we arrived there was one other group there, but it quickly filled out as passers by spotted it! There is a kitchen at one end, where people were baking away happily, and there was a good variety of sweet and savoury food. We of course opted for sweet. There were two cupcake flavours available, chocolate with vanilla frosting and raspberry. I opted for raspberry and Manny opted for a slice of a cake called Chocolate Delight. I'd have been surprised after seeing it if he hadn't.

As you can see my cupcake had a LOT of frosting. Manny was rather taken with the cake to frosting ratio, and I was trying to get a picture of the cross section once I'd taken a bite, well a forkful, even my mouth isn't that big, but it was so top heavy it kept falling over! I'm happy to say it tasted fabulous! It was fresh, and although the cake was a little dry I think it was due to perhaps over-mixing rather than staleness as it tasted lovely. The frosting had a lovely raspberry flavour and was delicious. I started picking off the pearls as I thought they were those hard balls that are every dentists delight, but they were in fact little chocolate shells.

Manny's cake was, again, delicious and aptly named. It was a delightfully sinful chocolate cake, fresh and very chocolaty. And as you can see the friendly waitress didn't skimp when it came to portioning it up either.

And it wasn't just us enjoying the Bakery offerings - when Manny went the loo, a female traffic warden sitting at the other side of the cafe started talking to him about how great his scones were, slightly confusing the poor boy. It turns out she'd loved the food there and wanted to congratulate him - not sure why a scruffy chap in a Cocksparrer tshirt looked liked he worked there...bless.

I only have one negative comment about the Bakery - the pricing was quite steep. Two cakes and a small cappuccino and a small mug of peppermint tea came in at just under £15 - slightly expensive but the coffee was nice, as was the cake, and you are in a predominantly tourist area. But something to bear in mind.

I will definitely visit again. The cafe was a lovely little oasis of cuteness and calm away from the crowds in the area, definitely somewhere you could while away some of the day with a good book and a bit of cake.

Next time I go I'll try and get some  better photos of the meringues - although it was very light inside the photographs of the windows came out very dark!


  1. If I'd known that little gem was so nearby when I was at London Aquarium I would have been round every lunchtime! :D The raspberry cupcake looks amazing!

  2. The waitress said it had been there about a year! It's not somewhere I usually walk so knew nothing about it! So glad I found it now - great for a cuppa and a sit down. And cake obviously

  3. I'm so chuffed we decided to pop in, the cake I had was so delicious :) Your cupcake was lovely too, after some of the duff cakes we've had I didn't mind paying their prices. Like you said, it is in the middle of a tourist area so you expect to pay a bit more but it was well worth it, I'll certainly go back there with you :)

  4. Another one to add to my cupcake tour of london when I eventually do it then! Although that is A LOT of frosting! Looks very pretty :)

  5. What a discovery - Mr CC and I visit the Southbank quite often and this will definitely be sampled on our next visit! Thanks for sharing

  6. I think this is the prettiest bakery I have seen for a very long time.

  7. One of pictures looks like the cupcake hall of should do that, list off top ten most wanted cupcakes =D


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