Monday 4 April 2011

Ladurée cupcakes sont délicieux, mais cher

Today was my first proper day of being unemployed. Or self employed if you look at it that way - I've just not done much about the self employed bit yet. Friday didn't really count as I spent most of it in bed hungover after leaving drinks. Incase anyone's wondering I didn't tell those I disliked how I felt about them - best to move on with some dignity - although not sure how much of that I retained as we left the building (sober) singing So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, adieu to everyone.

So, to celebrate me leaving work we decided to spend a lovely day in London - including trying some very special cupcakes I'd read about some time ago, and could now, without a trip to Paris, try.

Cupcakes from my favourite Parisian Tea room - Ladurée!!

We had hoped to eat in the tea room in Harrods, but it was very busy (mainly with groups of tourists only having drinks...and a very rude French group who pushed and shoved and touched the food they wanted while barking at the staff - I mentioned excuse moi to the pokey 'lady', but wish I'd said excusez-moi merde tête instead. I do love to swear at people in their own tongue), so we opted for takeaway.

There were only two cupcakes on offer - the rose and the chocolate orange, although their menu outside showed their cupcakes as being the rose and a pistachio griotte. I got the last rose one so was incredibly chuffed - until I saw the price!!

We paid for our cakes and took them home very carefully on the bus. I was scared to open the box when we finally arrived, incase they had turned to mush (we'd had a little incident in Sainsburys where I'd boshed them slightly) but as you can see they survived!! Phew!

They are totally gorgeous aren't they? I'm going to allow them to call it a cupcake, although I've always gone with there being some kind of whipped buttercream'y frosting on top of a cupcake and fondant being fairy cake (this is how I differentiate - I'm not getting into a cupcake v fairy cake debate again).

We were worried that they wouldn't be tasty after spending all that money, but thank goodness they were delicious. You could tell as soon as you picked it up that it was incredibly fresh as they smelt divine. My rose cake was moist and filled with a delicious fruit compote, then a layer of fresh whipped cream, fondant, and more piped cream - all of it was melt in your mouth fresh and lovely.

Manny's chocolate orange was incredibly moist and fresh also - with lovely bits of peel and chocolate inside.

So, was London's most expensive cupcake worth it? I'd say yes but only as a one off/treat - I'm never going to buy a box of four from there on a whim - they are just too expensive.

When in Ladurée I think I'm always going to choose a few macaroon instead - that's right a few, I can get about 4 or 5 minis for the price of a cupcake.

Yes, they really were £6 each (£7.20 if you have them in the tea room!!).

Is this London's most expensive cupcake?


  1. Wow they look AMAZING! and phew! they do make a dent in the ol' wallet, but they look worth it! :D

  2. The rose one looks almost too pretty to eat!

  3. Wowsers - that's a lot of money! Mind you, I've never had anything less than fabulous from Laduree so I would take the plunge!

    Self employed sounds exciting - what are you up to?

  4. oh wow! I will have to try one next time I'm near there.

  5. These look amazing!! I think I might save a pound a week and go for my birthday :)

  6. Oh wow! I love chocolate orange but I'm not sure if I'd pay that much for it! £6! Wow :)

  7. My chocolate one was really delicious and obviously a load of work and love had gone into making both of them. Seeing as so many of the cupcakes we've bought lately have been awful I didn't mind the price so much, but I wouldn't make a habit of buying £6 cupcakes! Especially when your chocolate brownies were even tastier, in my opinion anyway :)

    Still it was just so nice to bring some cupcakes home and actually really enjoy them and not be disapointed :)

  8. Oooh you lucky person, they look amazing and even the box I would say is a keeper. You must have been so relieved that they tasted so nice especially at that price. Good luck with whatever ventures you are going to embark now that you have left your place of work. I'm presuming that you have something in mind?? (how nosey am I sorry)

  9. I went to Laduree in Paris at the weekend and it was amazing! I don't usually like macarons but Laduree ones are the best. I had a rose and raspberry mille-feuille which was gorgeous. I'll have to go to Harrods to try the cupcakes.
    Good luck with your next venture whatever it may be!

  10. Six English Pounds? Frick on a Stick! Oh, but I really want the pistachio one, now I know about it. I'm glad that they were nice, would have been terrible if they'd been a disappointment at that price.

  11. Golly gosh for that price I would have to have them on display for a week or three. They look very yummy.

  12. Hi! just to let you know, I've tagged you in my Kreativ Blogger Award post! :D

  13. Yikes!! That's one (or two!) expensive cupcakes. Glad they were tasty after spending that much. Love the sound of the rose one.

  14. OMG six quid?! They do look really nice though...

    I'd enjoy the interlude while you have it... I'm sure you'll be very busy again before long.

  15. I have to agree - Lauduree is ridiculous for prices, I got a box of 16 macarons for 35 euros. But I also agree, it's worth it!

    Glad I found your blog, it's nice to read some real posts and real rants about real life! :)

  16. Abbie -thanks for the tag

    Sorry I've just gotten round to catching up on the comments on my blog everyone -thanks for commenting - these cupcakes are the most expensive I've bought so far, but were worth it once. I'll probably stick to the macaroons unless they bring out a new must try flavour!

  17. Oooo I'm doing the rounds in London in 2 these are a must! So glad you posted about these! Look stunning!

  18. Hi Louise -they are worth a little extravagance :) I'm not sure if the new store in Covent Garden will be open when you come down, if so it looks like it'll be worth visiting and opens till 11pm nightly!


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