Sunday 13 February 2011

A cupcake 'Pick me Up'

I've known for a few days that we were picking up Cupcake yesterday and I thought long and hard about what to make for her debut. I thought I'd decided on the Heart Cupcakes I'd seen on Bake it in A Cake, but then, as women are prone to do, I changed my mind. Ingredients had to be sourced and bought but it was all worth it, as I was keen to make some cakes I'd never made before.

The tiramisu cupcake includes four of my favourite things in the world; cake, coffee, booze and a bit of chocolate. How could it fail to be perfect?

I used the recipe from the Love Bakery cookbook (I know them again - but I love this book) and of course I used Cupcake to mix it all. I thought I may have over mixed as the cakes felt a little firm, but then when I poured over the syrup of Monmouth filter coffee, sugar and lashings of Marsala they soon softened up.

The cupcakes are frosted with a marscapone frosting - which is marscapone cheese, a very small amount of icing sugar and whipped double cream mixed together. I had to get out my trusty old Dualit mixer to whip the cream while Cupcake mixed the icing sugar and marscapone - I hope she wasn't too put out.

The frosting was then piped onto the booze and coffee soaked cupcakes, topped with a cloud of Green and Blacks cocoa powder and some shavings of Green and Blacks 85% chocolate. Divine.

So how did they taste you ask? Absolutely delicious. I couldn't have chosen better for Cupcake's first foray into baking. The only thing I'd do differently is soak the cakes more - I didn't use all the mixture as I thought it may drown the cakes too much, but I think it would have been fine. They cakes had a lovely boozy hit and the coffee was nice but not too overpowering - I used very strong coffee so thought it might be too much. The frosting is another to add to my list of favourite things - very light and airy - like eating a tasty cloud covered cupcake. We ate ours with a little splosh of Marsala over the top for an extra boozy kick!

Cupcake did us proud! She mixed everything beautifully and her little guard thing stopped the usual dust of icing sugar all over my kitchen. I think she can stay ;)

By the way there are a lot of different stories behind the origin of Tiramisu but my favourite is the account of the recipe's invention at an Italian brothel to provide an energy boost to exhausted clients - maybe I should be approaching the 666 Sauna down the road to see if they'd like to buy some boxes for their clientèle!


Katey said...

They look lovely! And great cupcake marketing idea for Sauna 666 ;-)

Cupcake is beautiful too, I am jealous. I've wanted a Kitchenaid for ages, I didn't even know you could get a pink one!

Baking Addict said...

A lovely debut for Cupcake. Looks amazing!! I've been meaning to bake the tiramisu cupcake from Love Bakery - I'll definitely have to try it now :)

MadeWithPink said...

Glad your enjoying your Kitchen Aid! I absolutely love mine (also in pink of course!) and use it a few times a week. I'm sure you'll have a blast using it. It makes life so much easier. If you get a chance buy some of the extra attachments. I also have a smaller bowl for mine that I picked up in Canada and I use it a lot more than the large one that came with it. Enjoy your new baby!

The Caked Crusader said...

Hurray for Cupcake! I'm sure she wasn't put out at helping - it's what she loves doing best!

Manny said...

You chose the perfect cakes for Cupcake's debut, these were absolutely amazing! So many good things combined into a little cupcake of loveliness :) I'm really forward to having the last ones tonight for our Valentine's Day pud xxxx

Alison said...

Sounds yummy! It's ages since I have made any cakes and I can't wait to get back to it when I have more time. I'll definitely try this one at some point - I love Tiramisu, the only problem is the OH doesn't so I'd probably have to eat the whole batch. Oh dear!

I heart cupcakes said...

@Katey - thanks, I wonder if they'd take me up on it ;)
I've waited forever to get one! I think the pink one worked out about £60 more than the normal colours but it's the one I've always wanted!

@Baking Addict - it was such a lovely cake, although I did cock up when I didn't use all the boozy juice in it I think - we just topped it with some extra Marsala to give it another kick!

@Made with Pink - I have envied you your pink KitchenAid for some time :) I have been looking at some attachments and will be buying some. My friend works in the States so can get him to pick me up some extra bits if you can't get them here which is helpful!

@The Cake Crusader - she does seem to love the baking. And looking pretty of course!

@Manny - glad you liked the cakes! And they were a perfect valentines day pudding weren't they xx

@Alison - I highly recommend making these - you can always half the recipe!!

Anonymous said...

These look seriously scrummy! The decorations are so pretty :)

I heart cupcakes said...

Thanks Mia - I highly recommend them. the marscapone frosting was so delicious

Danielle said...

Ahhh I love your blog! I am totally following you now! :)

Oooh caaaaake.


cakedecorator said...

They look really nice, I particulatly like the heart decoration. The chocolate and marsala cream has set my tastebuds going!

I love cake decorating