Wednesday 19 January 2011

Sticky toffee pudding with custard

Sticky toffee pudding and custard - don't those words just make you drool? Surely it can't just be me?

Last week was cold, wet and miserable. The fun and frivolity of Christmas/Hogmanay seems a long way away and January seems to take forever to be over, and is always a little grim. What I needed was some comfort food. A hug in cupcake form.

I have made sticky toffee cupcakes with caramel frosting before so the cake was a doddle for me. I really love this recipe. I could make it over and over, and eat it again and again. Till I popped.

The cake once again came out sticky and date'y and just scrumptious. There is no other word for it - scrumptious sums it up fully.

I used the Love Bakery custard frosting recipe I had previously topped my rhubarb and custard cupcakes with.  I added the specified amount of custard and it just didn't taste custardy enough, so I added more. And some more vanilla as I like my custard to be full of vanilla goodness. Alas I added a smidgen too much custard and the frosting was a little wetter than I'd have liked - it tasted fabulous but didn't pipe so well.

The cakes kept well for 3 days, the flavour maturing in the cupcake over time and the base remained moist until they were all gone.


  1. sounds tasty. I can feel the calories go straight to my hips thinking about them ;-)

  2. Mmm they sound absolutely gorgeous, especially the custard piping

  3. Good god these sound good.

    Could you bake them so there was a gooey caramel centre? That would make them even more rocking.

    (I don't understand cakes).

  4. I'll keep this brief in case my drool short circuits my computer! What a combination - I must try that buttercream. I think Mr CC would take custard intravenously if he could so these will be a winner!

  5. These were delicious, ultra moist and so packed with flavour. I love sticky toffee pudding and custard and you got the full taste into a cupcake - genius :)

  6. Sounds like an excellent pairing. I've not gotten round to the rhubarb and custard cupcakes yet.

  7. wow love this as a Brit in the US this flavor reminds me of home Rebecca

  8. Hi there,
    I just found your blog and I'm really pleased. This is such a wonderful recipe...caramel frosting may just be the death of me (I can't resist it!)

  9. @Les Reves - thank you! If you bake it I really hope you like it!

    @DGW - thank you so much - it's taken me a lot of practice to be able to pipe!


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