Tuesday 21 December 2010

Oh when the snowman brings the snow

It hasn't snowed in London since Saturday and London is still in snow chaos. The headlines are full of tales of woe and despair of poor people spending nights sleeping on floors of airports, or even worse on a pavement in Kings Cross. At least we've not sunk to the depths of brutally murdering snowmen like the bus drivers of Urbana!

I find in times of trouble what really helps me is a nice cup of tea and a biscuit.* That's right a biscuit! I've deviated slightly for once from my all cupcakes all the time moto to share this fantastic Nutmeg and Custard Yo Yo's recipe I found via Lucy's Teen Baker blog as it's a perfect little Christmas treat, especially if you make them bite size like I did. They're also dead easy for kids to make (perhaps with supervision!). If you make mini ones, remember to adjust the cooking time - mine took about 10mins.

I'd love to take a load of these down to the airports and cheer everyone up, but alas Manny may divorce me if I tried!!

*and possibly a ranty swear on Twitter/Facebook.


  1. They are so cute! I love the nutmeg and custard combo!

  2. Hmmm these look lush. I have been more into baking cookies at the mo. I am doing a baking giveaway on my blog tomorrow - you should pop by.
    I think you SHOULD take these cookies to Heathrow - my hubby was almost one of the stranded passengers but luckily his flight was cancelled BEFORE he set off!

  3. You know, I reckon that would really cheer people up sitting in the airport - they look yum.

  4. @Abbbie - thanks :)

    @Mel - oh thanks I shall have a look. I'd love to but I'm not sure my oven could bake enough for them all. Glad your hubby didn't have to wait at the airport for hours but hope he's gotten where he wanted to get!

    @PDNFTA - I wonder if it would cheer them up. Poor souls - I really feel for them. I'd be devastated if I was trying to get somewhere/home at this time of year!

  5. Oh Anne - how simple DIVINE. I adore nutmeg. I'd have it on everything if I could !

    Whilst in China a few years ago, I was introduced to sprinkling nutmeg on top of coffee (latte to be precise) and I've regularly done that to any coffee ever since.

    Nutmeg and custard biscuits sound truly amazing. I bet Oliver would like making these too. Even supervised, my kitchen ends up looking like a war zone after he has been sifting flour. I'll keep them in mind for after we come back from nanny's.

    That said, I'm asuming we get to Scotland on Friday. We might need some luck in that department !

  6. They are so cute and I agree with you that sometimes you need the crunch of a nice biscuit.
    Have a great Christmas

  7. I made a very similar recipe from Marcus Wareing's latest book - they are divine, aren't they! Love your 3D little men...I would struggle to eat them, they're so cute (yeah right!!!!)

  8. I was so chuffed when I came home from the pub last night and found these bite sized bits of deliciousness waiting for me :) I'm afraid I'm never going to let many leave the house, they're just too nice :)

  9. @Sarah-Jane - It's lovely isn't it! Do you grate it onto Spag Bol? I saw that on Jamie Oliver and can't bear it without nutmeg now!
    I like the sound of it on top of coffee- shall have to try it - thanks.
    These would be perfect for making with Oliver!
    Good luck with getting to Scotland - we've not had snow in days, I really hope you get there!
    Have a wonderful Christmas x

    @Katie - thank you! I do love a cup of tea and a biscuit!
    Thanks - have a fabulous Christmas too!

    @Sam - these are from Marcus's book, Nutmeg and Custard I think it's called. I got it via Teen Baker's blog, who linked to a Daily Mail recipe of it!
    I thought they were too cute too, but managed to decapitate a ickle gingerbread man swiftly!

    @Manny - I'm glad you liked them! I bake for you :)

  10. They look gorgeous. Might have to try them sometime. Hope you have a lovely cupcake filled christmas x


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