Sunday 5 December 2010

Holidays are coming

If you're lucky enough to live in the Cirencester area you can pick up some gorgeous Christmas cupcakes from Cirencester Cupcakes.

I've admired CC's work for some time, as previous posts confirm, and I was hoping to visit before Christmas as they have a Christmas Market in town as well so I could've had some cupcakes and mulled wine.  I'm hoping that we can make it over early next year instead.

The Christmas selection sounds, and looks, delicious, coming in a range of different flavours including the very festive peppermint and mince pie topped with brandy buttercream. How good does a mince pie and brandy buttercream cupcake sound? I want one!

And lets not forget the most festive of flavours, chocolate orange. Terry can sod right off - it's mine!

You can find out ordering/buying info on the Cirencester Cupcakes website and please do let me know if you try some! 


  1. I shall take you to Cirencester some time, it looks like a nice town to explore, and get some cakes of course :) The chocolate orange ones sound right up my street, maybe we should take a trip there next Xmas time?

  2. Come and see us in next year :o) I'll make extra special heavy metal cupcakes for you, when you get chance to come up. Thanks again Anne xx

  3. These look like they would be worth a trip to Cirencester!

  4. Those cupcakes look absolutely gorgeous, love the embellishments on the top of them. Chocolate orange cupcakes, mmm they sound so yummy. Hope Manny takes you some time

  5. @Manny - I'd like to go for Xmas but I plan to visit early next year - maybe near my birthday/Easter?

    @Louise - we will come and visit definitely! Those heavy metal cupcakes you did were amazing! always happy to feature gorgeous cupcakes xx

    @Baking Addict - you can get cheap day returns if you book in advance! I'd say it'd definitely be worth it!

    @Archies Mum - it sounds delicious doesn't it, and they always look so pretty! Thanks -I'll make sure he takes me soon - once the snow is over

  6. They're really pretty!
    And I can totally vouch for the wonderfulness of Terry's chocolate orange on top of orange buttercream...

    See you Friday!

  7. Sarah - I'm v.excited about Friday now! I'm all worried about being kak handed though!


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