Wednesday 1 December 2010

The first rule of Cupcake Club

is to go with an appetite!

Alas I had a cold and had no appetite at all really, but I did manage to scoff one of Kelly's adorable, and very tasty gingerbread cupcakes.

The gingerbread men were awesome - the recipes on Kelly's blog

And a bite of both of Ellie's cupcakes - the HUGE (some of the biggest cupcakes I've ever seen - they were whoppers - but Manny still managed to polish off a whole one!) and chocolate'y black bottomed cupcakes, and her salted caramel cupcakes which I thought were really tasty and didn't taste too salty (I'm not keen on salted caramel really, but these were nice).

HUGE black bottom cakes - Manny loved them, but he does love a big bottom!
Half eaten salted caramel cupcake - I loved the frosting
I also had a piece of Kelly's mulled wine cupcake, again polished off by Manny, which he loved as it was very chocolate'y with a hint of red wine, and a lovely Brandy Snap made by Marcus.

Manny outdid us all and scoffed more cupcakes than I can remember him eating! Oh and my brussel sprout cupcakes went down ok, Marcus even took a spare one home so they must be ok! I will post the recipe this week that I used. 

A lot of people didn't turn up due to the tube strike, and I'm assuming the awful weather, which was unfortunate, but it was a great way to spend the evening, talking about cupcake ideas, where to buy cupcake stuff and zombies! I do hope if Kelly arranges her January club some more people make the effort to come along!

Oh, and before I forget, Kelly arranged prizes for the night. She drew the names out of a hat; Marcus won a an adorable ice cube tray from Paperchase, and I won the Jumbo cupcake mold!

Isn't it fab! I already have one giant mold but this has the bit where you can leave room for filling and I already have plans of what to do with it!

Even the box I used to transport the cupcakes didn't go to waste - the cats have been using it since we got home!*

Demon has taken over the cupcake box
Angel however preferred the bag we'd carried the box in

Angel guarding the bag
So thanks again to Kelly for arranging Cupcake Club and sorry for the quality of the pics in this post - my cold has rendered me incapable of doing anything much!

 *the cats only play in the box after its been used for cupcakes, never before. That'd just be wrong!


  1. holy cupcake batman, those gingerbread ones look fantastic! I am now craving something I have never seen.

    I also miss my cat.

  2. So glad you guys came! Your kitties are so cute!

  3. That was a good night indeed, nice people, quality cupcakes and a few pints of Fuller's Porter to wash the cakes down with, what more could I want? It was a shame there weren't more people there to eat the cakes, I did my best though!

    You could use the mold to make a giant chocolate cupcake with a ganache filling :)

  4. Sounds like a fantastic event am really disappointed I missed it but I'm away at the moment. Congrats on winning the cupcake mould - I have the same one and it's really good. Hope to see you in Jan.


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