Monday 27 September 2010

Next ♥ cupcakes

It's Chrissssstmaaaaaaaaas.

Ok, it isn't. BUT it's just under 3 months to the big day and the Christmas gift guides are coming thick and fast. The best I've seen so far (thanks to the lovely Tcakes messaging me via my blog!) is the Next Christmas Guide.

Oh. My. God. It is cupcake-alicious. FULL to brimming with cupcake goodies.

First up is the cupcake stacking mugs. I have wanted someone to make these for ever, and now they have not only made them but they feature my blog name on them. It's basically someone telling me I must have them. Crockery ban be damned!

Next are these uber cute I ♥ cupcakes measuring cups. I know I have already got a few sets of measuring cups but these are too cute to resist. Must have.

Perfect for those cold Winter evenings and those times when a girl needs a hot water bottle is this cute little gift set. And I love the little cupcake mug.

Another must have since I broke my last one is the cupcake kitchen timer. Again something I've been after for a while (my Debenhams one died some time ago and they no longer stock them).

Perfect for my cupcake kitchen are the Time for Tea wall plague, cupcake prints, cupcake clock, cupcake apron, cupcake oven glove and I ♥ cupcakes tea towels set.

Not to forget the baking set and I ♥ cupcakes baking book.

And if you don't have an oven handy, what about this gorgeous cupcake maker. I've not been that tempted by these before but this one is soooo pretty I am quite tempted to get it.

Oh and the cake stand.

That sums it up pretty much, except for the photo frame, house mat and cupcake bank. Which I may need to save up for it all.

I want it all!!!!


  1. And now I want it all too! Favourites are the Time For Tea wall art, the stacking mugs and the welcome mat. Want!

  2. I like the time for tea wall art too. The rest - well - where are you going to put it my dear !?!

  3. Wow, there's a feast of Anne-pressie ideas! Of course you can have the stacking cups, I shall lift the crockery ban temporarily :)

  4. o DEAR!!!!!!!! Ive just got a next virtual bag filled with 10 of those items! SO irresistable!


  5. I want the "Time for Tea" wall art!!

  6. I want them all too...but where are they all from? or did I miss that!

  7. Maggie Bob - the wall art seems to be a favourite. I adore the mugs!

    Sarah-Jane - we're on the top floor of a block of flats so building an extension is out and the attic is full. I'll have to get rid of some stuff! I have to take the opportunity now my crockery ban is lifted!

    Manny - lots of ideas, now toddle off to Next ;)

    Sophie - not just me then!!

    Belle - its very cute. Will be perfect on my kitchen wall!

    Alex - they're from Next hence the name of the post :)

  8. Oh these look amazing! I really want the wee measuring cups, so cute! Good on you Next!!!!

  9. haha I just read that now...I have to confess I got so excited by the images that I did not read the blog properly!!! cupcake giddiness overcame me and made me have a duh moment!! thanks anyway!! off to Next tomorrow!!!

  10. Anon - no worries - I've done it myself, gotten too excited to notice details! Hope you got something nice.

    Nic - they're cute aren't they! MUST get :)

  11. Nevermind the crockery ban, you HAVE to buy something from this range if it has your blog's name on it!!! Those stacked mugs wouldn't take up much worktop space would they?

  12. Sarah, Manny's temporarily lifted the ban and I'm definitely getting the measuring cups and stacking cups (they're my favourite two bits)! Will have to make more room on my worktop though!

  13. I want everything on your list! SO excited for Christmas now :)

  14. Lucy - aren't they all gorgeous. I can confirm the hot water bottle set is gorgeous, my husband brought it home for me last week

  15. I recently saw these measuring cups, as well, and thought of you:

    And my favorite cookbook author/artist, Susan Branch, carries these hand-hooked rugs and chair pads that I have been drooling over for AGES:

    Just more fodder for the addiction. ;)

  16. Hey Wendie
    thanks for those. My husband got me the Next measuring cups and they are gorgeous!
    Love the look of those rugs as well! Just checking out the rest of her site! thanks again

  17. OMG! I would LOVE to get these things from NEXT, however, I'm in the US. :(

    PLEASE let me know if you would be interested in swapping. There are bunches of things coming up for Valentine's Day here at Target and Kohl's. You can actually see some of them now on

    If you're interested, please post your email address.

    Thank you!


  18. i want the next stacking mugs but cant find them any where :(

  19. @Anon 1 - unfortunately most of the range has sold out now, but please get in touch if you see anything you want another time!

    @Anon 2 - I think the mugs have sold out - my husband got me them in October, but I've not see them at all since. If you're in the UK it's worth checking out lots of stores. Last year I found a couple of things in Bromley Next that they said were sold out everywhere!

  20. I would love to purchase your cute cupcake timer!! I love it. Could you please tell me how to go about doing that? Thank you. Debbi

  21. Debbi if it's the cupcake timer mentioned on here it's from Next but sold out ages ago!


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