Monday 6 September 2010

Hail to Cupcakes \m/

I am off to see my favourite band in the world, Manowar, in less than a week in Madrid. In five days if you're counting, and I have been since May.

I had thought long and hard about if Manowar were a cupcake what flavour would they be. And one thing kept coming back to me, the phrase the devil has all the best tunes. So my choice of cupcake had to be - devil's food cake.

I used a recipe for a Devils Food Cake from my latest cookbook purchase, Mary Berry's Baking Bible, and made cupcakes instead, altering the cooking time (they were ready in 20mins). The recipe makes approx 14 cakes, depending on your case sizes.

I decided to top the cupcakes with an ultra chocolatey ganache. I had planned to use Jack Daniel's in the ganache but then I bought a bottle of Baileys on offer in Sainsburys and I felt it would be nicer with the Baileys in and I was so right - it was delicious.

The base of the cupcake was incredibly moist and chocolatey - Manny reckons they're one of the nicest cupcakes he's had and I have to agree! The ganache, as I said, was delicious - incredibly rich with a hint of alcohol. Definitely Manowar in a cupcake - tasty, lovely to look at, rich, decadent and something you can't get enough of \m/

while my ganache was still a little moist and shiny!
Baileys Ganache Recipe

200g good quality chocolate broken into pieces (I used Green and Blacks dark)
184 ml double cream
a good glug of Baileys

Heat the cream until it just boils. Pour over chocolate and stir till it melts. Add a good splosh of Baileys. Stir in. Add some more for luck. And a bit more if you fancy it. Allow to cool - mine took approx 30mins in the fridge to reach piping consistency. Pipe or spread onto cupcakes - try not to scoff it all before doing this!

Manowar cupcake - naked


  1. The baileys ganache looks gorgeous. Def want to try making that sometime!

  2. Definately the best cupcakes I can remember having in a LONG time, possibly the best ever! I was quite upset when I ate the last one yesterday - at least I have a tub of the left over ganache to console me today :)

    You should be well proud of yourself hun :)

    Roll on Madrid - Hail and Kill \m/

  3. They look gorgeous and really do advertise the M xxx

  4. What a wonderful blog! Cupcakes and Manowar are truly two of the best things in this world! =)
    I will definitely check this blog out every now and then.
    Hail and kill from a sister of steel in Sweden!
    (..Who fortunately can't bake such lovely cupcakes..I would eat myself to an early grave.) =)

  5. Hail Anonymous! Always great to have comments from a fellow Manowar and cupcake fan!
    Hope you like the blog -I'm trying to cut back on cupcakes myself!

  6. Hi,

    What nozzle did you use for these cupcakes? x

  7. Hi Lesley - its the Wilton 1M - my favourite nozzle by far!
    Love seeing your baking on your blog btw - its fab x

  8. Thankyou :)

    That's the nozzle I've been using for mine but my icing doesn't look as good as yours!

    Would you like to share your icing recipe, my icing never seems stiff enough :(

    Also, do you chill your icing beforehand or just use it at room temp?

    Thanks! Lesley x

  9. Hi Lesley
    Thanks - it's taken me a LOT of practice to get it looking semi-ok.

    Do you beat it for quite a long time? I'll send you my recipe (do you want chocolate or vanilla or both) via Facebook in the next couple of days if that's ok.

    I don't chill it before piping but I did in the Summer when my kitchen was about 35 degrees! xx


Thank you ever so much for taking the time to comment!