Thursday 16 September 2010

Get busy with the fizzy

I haven't been to Hummingbird for what seems like years, but is actually seven months. Yes seven!!!! The horror.

I missed out on their Summer floral inspired cupcake range but I refuse to miss out on their soda range as they just sound and look too good to miss. The range includes your favourite sodas like cola and lemonade, and I must try a root beer and a cherry cola (pictured above). I wish they'd done an Irn Bru one, I'd have probably exploded with excitement mind you.

The full range is listed below and you can find more pictures of each cupcake on Hummingbird's facebook page.

Available at all Hummingbird Branches. Branch details can be found here.

Photographs are copyright Hummingbird Bakery.


  1. They sound amazing!! I need to locate my nearest Hummingbird bakery and try out the orangeade cupcake :D

  2. These sound delish! I must get myself down there to try them out. How long are the flavours on offer for?

  3. I'm not sure how long they're on offer for I'm afraid - probably till about November, then the Christmas ones will be on offer!

    Abbie - you'll have to come down to London to get your mitts on one!

  4. Has it really been that long since we've been there? We should go soon, how about beginning of next month, then we could take a wander down to Notting Hill Record and Tape Exchange - I don't feel like I've had enough new CDs lately ;)

  5. Mate this in when I miss London! I totally love rootbeer floats and have made my own rootbeer cupcakes, but would love to try one of theres. :(
    Have one for me?

  6. Manny - it is indeed - its been ages!! We have to go back, if only for you to stop asking me which one it is!

    Mel - I shall go and have one just for you!

  7. Mmm yes please, they sound absolutely gorgeous. My hubby would be in 7th heaven as well if there was an Irn Bru cupcake, he drinks loads of the stuff. He has found boiled sweets that taste like Irn Bru

  8. These cupcakes look lovely, I will definitely need to try some. Thanks for the info. Suzanne xx


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