Sunday 19 September 2010

Cupcake Camp

So after a night watching 5 episodes back to back of Cupcake Wars last night you think I'd be all cupcake'd out, but no, I'm sitting here with my thinking cap on wondering what I can make for Cupcake Camp on October 31st.

Cupcake Camp was started in San Francisco but has since gone global and the first one is coming to the UK on Halloween, organised by Daisy Coole to raise funds for the North London Hospice who lovingly cared for her late father

I cannot emphasise enough the difference between a hospital and this wonderful hospice. They were caring and supportive to both him and my mother and me, offering cups of tea and a shoulder to cry on as we sat with Dad for between seven and 24 hours a day. The nurses were amazing.

When Dad died I never got to say thank you to our nurses. This is my way.

The event takes place at Proud Galleries in Camden from 2-5pm and there will be lashings of cupcakes provided by amateur and professional bakers. You can sign up to bake for Cupcake Camp here, and you can also choose to enter your cupcakes in the competitions taking place with categories like Halloween inspired and Most unique ingredient. The competition will be judged by the ladies from the Primrose Bakery and the wonderful Ms Cupcake.

If you don't want to bake you can always come along on the day and scoff some cupcakes - tickets will be available for £1 each which will get you one cupcake. So you can grab yourself a cupcake bargain and help a good cause.

I hope to see you there!


  1. What is Cupcake Wars? and where can I see it? Sounds great!

  2. Hey Nic - Cupcake Wars is a new show on Food Network - I blogged about it a while back

    Its fabulous - if a little over-dramatic ;)

  3. I'm enjoying cupcake wars. Have only seen 3 episodes but am amazed at how cocky the men always are!

  4. I hope you do decide to bake for it, more people need to taste your lovely cakes :)

  5. Manny - I'm going to try. Promise you'll come up after sparring to meet me?

    Samantha - some of the men are serious twonks (for want of a better word) and the others attitude to the vegan baker was awful. Cupcakes seem to be a bitchy business! Its weird it's not on at all this week - seems like we got a week of it then nothing!

  6. Of course I shall come up after sparring - I shall be in need of cake :)

    I thought it was cool the vegan baker won her heat, the others were really snidey to her!


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