Friday 13 August 2010

Heavy metal cupcakes \m/

This in reality should be my 666 post but alas its my 791 (seriously that many posts about!)

The reason it should be 666 is because these cupcakes ROCK and we all know the devil has the best tunes right?! These cupcakes are from the incredibly talented Louise owner and baker in chief at Cirencester Cupcakes. The band logos are made using an edible printer - I'm jealous and want one but they're a little expensive to buy just so I can make Manowar cupcakes!

I shall definitely be pre-ordering some Manowar logo/photo ones when I eventually get to visit Cirencester Cupcakes store, hopefully later this year. I've been meaning to visit since they opened but it's a bit of a journey, but worth it for some rocking cupcakes!


  1. hiya

    I was thinking about you today....

    They've got a baking offer on in Sainsburys at the moment. Loads of sprinkles, cake mix etc with 1/3 off.

    They've also got cupcake boxes to hold 4 cakes which are really cute.

    In the stationery section too - they have got cupcake pencil cases etc for the kidsd going back to school at half price....

  2. Hey there
    Oh the boxes sound interesting - not sure if they'll have them in my Sainsburys, its HUGE but really is awful. I got a load of free sprinkles from a PR last week so I'm set for those for the next year or so ;)
    Always like cupcake stationery though - shall have a peak - ta!

  3. I think we should take a trip down to Cirencester sometime soon :) It's always nice to see different bits of England and if there's cake involved so much the better! Especially if they're heavy metal cakes \m/

  4. hey, these are way cool man!


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