Saturday 17 July 2010

Vegan cupcakes take over my tastebuds

A couple of weeks ago we visited the glamorous Ms Cupcake at her weekend residence, The Tearooms in Brick Lane.

I was lucky enough to meet, and scoff the wares of Ms C at my first Iron Cupcake and have been keen to try some more ever since. Not only are her cupcakes gorgeous and incredibly tasty, they are 100% vegan!! That's right - no butter, eggs or milk - the mainstay of most cupcake recipes. I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to vegan cupcakes - I've had a few that are just downright unpleasant, and when I've tried to bake my own from recipes they've been completely inedible and ended up in the bin. When I say you wouldn't know Ms C's cupcakes are vegan because they taste so delish I hope she takes that as the compliment it's meant.

Ms C's stall is enough to tempt even the non-cupcake lovers amongst you. A veritable feast of gorgeous looking cakes in bright colours. Not that you'd know this from my photos - sorry bad camera day. You can see much better photos of the cupcakes, and the many flavours available on her website.

After a chat with Ms C, and a pet of the gorgeous little dog of the stallholder next door we finally decided what cupcakes we wanted. Manny of course opted for two chocolate varieties - triple chocolate and ferrero rocher. I went for raspberry ripple and mango blueberry.

The cupcakes got a little squished on the way home, sorry! Being squished detracted in no way from their fabulousness however and they tasted amazing. The raspberry ripple base was incredibly moist and the frosting was very tasty. Previous vegan cupcakes I've had have been quite dry, or the opposite, and quite oily - this one was perfect. The mango blueberry was my favourite of the two - the frosting was divine, and very moreish!

Manny's two chocolate cupcakes were scoffed with his usual sounds of happiness (hmmm, yum, hmmm, good - caveman style, with a chunk of frosting in his gob). I tried some of the chocolate frosting and some of the cake and both were incredibly chocolaty and very very tasty. I'd love to know how Ms C gets her frosting so tasty without lashings of butter! Some kind of vegan magic!

You can find Ms Cupcake at Greenwich Market on Thursday's and Friday's - get there early as she's always on Twitter saying she's sold out, and at the Tearooms on Saturday and Sunday. More details of her whereabouts can be found here.


  1. I defintely need to go and check these out. I've got a vegan friend who never gets to sample my usual *creations*.

    Are they Gluten-Free too? My damned Coeliac-ness always ruins my cupcake sampling.

  2. I've sent Ms C a message for you re gluten-free -will let you know :)

    I honestly wouldn't know these were vegan - they were just so much tastier than any other vegan cupcake I've ever had!

  3. Hi, it's Ms. C here, we can certainly do any of our cakes gluten free - you just need to request in advance. We will also be trialing having gluten free ones on our market stalls from next week on a regular basis.

  4. ms. cupcake's cupcakes are not gluten-free, i'm sorry to say. :(

  5. Ms Cupcake is amazing - she completely destroyed my vegan cupcake prejudice. Not only that, but she's a lovely person too!

  6. Thanks for the info guys!

  7. My 2 chocolate ones were super chocolatey, moist and really delicious, I'd never have guessed they were vegan! I'm not surprised she normally sells out of cakes at the market, they're well worth getting up early for :)

  8. Both my cakes were brilliant, super chocolatey and really moist - I'd never have guessed they were vegan at all! Let's go and see Ms C again soon :)

  9. @CC I fully agree. One of the nicest cupcakers you could have the pleasure to meet!

    @Manny - we will go back again soon hon I promise. I need to try more flavours! I'm with you, you'd never know they're vegan, they taste so yummy!


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