Saturday 3 April 2010

Eat me: Beautiful beetroot cupcakes

A couple of weeks ago I bought Eat Me!: The Stupendous, Self-raising World of Cupcakes and Bakes According to Cookie Girl by Xanthe Milton (aka the Cookie Girl). I wasn't going to buy it as I have enough cupcake cookbooks already, however after having a quick squizz through it I couldn't resist - mainly because it had some unusual recipes such as Jack Daniels and Coke cupcakes, Courgette cupcakes and the first recipe I tried from the book, Beet-rose Cupcakes.

Firstly the recipe was very easy to follow, although I didn't get as many cupcakes as the recipe said I would, although I was using rather large cupcake cases. The beetroot was a doodle to handle (have read reviews saying it turned their kitchen etc purple - I wore gloves when grating and it was fine!) and the mix came together really well, if a wee bit runny, which left me a little worried they weren't going to work. The smell wafting through the house when they were cooking was amazing and I was very excited when they came out of the oven all puffed up and well risen.

Then they fell a bit while cooling and I thought "oh no disaster" but decided to frost them and see how they tasted. The recipe calls for a cream cheese frosting but I fancied vanilla. I made half the recommended amount of frosting as the amounts quoted for 12 were massive and I had more than enough to frost the cupcakes and do a couple of special 'super frosted' cupcakes for Manny :)

The cakes tasted really nice - the hazelnuts worked really well with the hint of beetroot and the cakes were moist and remained so for 3 days after baking. I would highly recommend the recipe to anyone as it was quite easy and had fabulous results. I shall definitely be trying some more recipes from the book - the next ones will be boozy I think :)

Finally - I tried using the frosting kit my friend Dennis bought me some time ago but the bottles were really annoying and difficult to fill. I think I'll just get myself some disposable icing bags from Lakeland. They don't look too bad for my first try at proper frosting though, kinda squished rose-like!


  1. That's more convincing rose frosting than I've ever managed! So the sponge wasn't pink? I'd have expected it to go red. A PR company was supposed to be sending me a review copy of this book but I've given up all hope of it ever arriving now!

  2. Thanks :) I was actually getting the hang of it but the container for the frosting was so difficult to manage (its a concertinaed bottle) and fill I kinda gave up. Will try with a proper bag next time - which is what I was hoping to learn with on my cupcake decorating course last year rather than how to fashion a quite frankly crap one with baking parchment!
    Back to the cupcake - not pink but lovely kind of dappled effect of pink. Should've cut one in half to show you - will have to make them again now!
    Pity you didn't get your copy - let me know if you want any recipes. I have a feeling her macaron one is going to fail - no resting of egg whites and no banging on the worksurface!

  3. Hubby bought me this book for Easter, I swear our cupcake lives could be merged lol. Hubby said about trying these but I don't like beetroot, they look awesome though. I am going to make him the JD and coke ones.
    Belated Happy Easter

  4. Those cupcakes were delicious, who'd have thought beetroot would work so well in a cake?? I can't wait to try some more unusual flavours like that :)


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