Wednesday 3 March 2010

Cinnabon Cupcakes - coming to the UK soon(ish)

I've never tried a Cinnabon bun but have seen their stores in London and was interested to see on American cupcake blogs that the stores in the USA recently started selling cupcakes.

After 25 years of making our world famous cinnamon roll, we're kicking off the next 25 years by introducing the world's best cupcake!

We brought back the creator of our famous Classic Roll to develop our new cupcake product line. And, after testing 556 different recipes, each one containing the same secret ingredient, we have created a high quality treat, well worthy of the Cinnabon name. Baked fresh daily, they're perfect for parties, gifts or any time you need to put a little frosting on your day. If you haven't seen Cinnabon Cupcakes just yet, they should be near you soon.

Cinnabon cupcakes - Anything else is just a CupFake.

I emailed the general manager of Cinnabon UK and she confirmed that Cinnabon cupcakes will be available "in the fourth quarter of this year" which I'm assuming means around about October time?

I'm not sure what these will be like, assuming their secret ingredient is cinnamon (does cinnamon go with vanilla?), but once they're on sale I'll have to put their rather ambitious claims of "the world's best cupcake" to the test. In the states there are four flavours to choose from, Cinnacake Classic, a cupcake version of the Cinnabon Classic, Vanilla Bliss, Chocolate Passion and 24-Carrot Cake.

As for cinnamon buns I find it hard to believe any bun can be better than those at the Nordic Bakery in Soho - they're just delish, and their coffee is fab too!

Thanks to Cinnabon for use of the pics


  1. If the Cinnabon cupcakes are anything like the cinnamon buns, then they'll be TDF! You must, must try Cinnabon. It's incredibly delicious.

  2. Hey Sarah - thanks for letting me know. I shall have to try a Cinnabon bun now! the ones I mentioned are from a cafe in London and are so yummy, spicy and sweet at the same time!

  3. wow "everything else is just a CupFake" they say? That's a pretty big claim to make from a CORPORATE CHAIN considering theirs are likely to be mass produced! They look pretty but give me handmade any day.

  4. Hi Anon - I'm with you, I don't think they're going to live up to Cinnabons hype however I shall try them out just incase!

  5. I think we should give them a try, the choccy one looks rather good to me! They have some serious competition to beat if they want to be the best though!


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