Friday 26 February 2010

A pretty place to rest your cupcakes

I've been meaning to blog about this rather fabulous Russian Doll cake stand since first spotting it a few weeks ago and it totally slipped my mind.

Then, last week, cake stands suddenly entered my consciousness again when I was reading a blog about someone's* visit to Bea's of Bloomsbury and I spotted the most gorgeous cake stand ever. Immediately via the wonder that is Twitter I contacted Bea and she sent me a link - it is designed by Tina Tsang and just so lovely and totally perfect for showing off your cupcakes!

Finally, if the rabbit cake stand is a little out of your price range, what about this pretty bird cake stand I spotted and had to share.

*Sorry I can't remember whose blog I was reading when I spotted the post about Bea's! Thank you though :)


  1. Ooh I like the pretty bird cake stand, thanks for sharing! although I don't think my husband would be impressed if I bought another one to add to my collection..we're running out of space!! haha

  2. oops I was still signed into my husband's account! sorry

  3. Hey Gem, lol - Manny's done that before, left comments on here when IM still logged on so it looks like I'm talking to myself.
    I love the rabbit one but its just a little expensive and our house is full as well. I'm kind of on a crockery ban at the moment but plan to go to Ikea soon to get more shelving so I can buy more :)


    this is also a pretty place to rest your cupcakes. i'm fairly sure this is metaphorical tho ... lol

  5. Hi JessieLou thanks for the link - its very cute :)


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