Wednesday 3 February 2010

Eten lekker cupcakes in Tilburg

Last week we visited the lovely Dutch town of Tilburg in Holland to see my favourite band in the world, the band I have tattooed on my arm - MANOWAR!

Once I'd booked our tickets, flights and hotel, I got straight onto google and looked for the next most important thing - cupcakes in the vicinity of Tilburg. At first it seemed like we might have to travel to Amsterdam, but then I was told by a fellow blogger that they weren't really worth travelling for and then after a few hours I found Lily's Cupcakes, and was excited to hear from Lily on Twitter that by the time we visited she would be selling her cupcakes in Mugs n Muffins.

As it turned out Mugs n Muffins was about 5 minutes brisk walk from our hotel, and we walked everywhere briskly as it was about -9! When we visited there were only two flavours available - death by chocolate and champagne - so we had one each. I opted for champagne, it was lovely - really moist and the top seemed to be dipped in sparkling sugar syrup as it was gorgeous and sparkly! The frosting was really fresh and flavoursome. Manny's death by chocolate was very aptly named - a total chocolate overload for a chocolate fan! As you can see we scoffed them up!

We visited every day to see if any more flavours were available but alas they only ever had those two, and on the last day none at all so we only tried one Dutch cupcake but given the amount of Bailey's coffee, whipped cream, booze and superb food we had its probably just as well no other flavours were available or I may not have fitted on the plane!

I hope the title of this post reads 'Eating yummy cupcakes in Tilburg' in Dutch as I used google translator - apologies if it says anything else and upsets any Dutch speaker reading this!


  1. i'm a dutch reader and you did a perfect job in you're titel.


  2. This makes me feel "home sick" for Tilburg, especially after the horrendous bus journey we had this morning! Those cakes certainly were lovely too :)

  3. @Nynke - hurrah good old google :)

    @Manny - thats how I feel whenever I think of New York "home"
    The cakes were yummy weren't they!


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