Thursday 4 February 2010

Crumbs and Doilies flavour(s) of the month(s)

I've just gotten round to checking out the Crumbs and Doilies website for the first time this month and am rather excited to see that not only have they named February's flavour of the month, but March and April's too!!

February - Salted Caramel
Our salted caramel cupcakes feature a delicious moist caramel sponge topped with a wickedly moreish salted caramel buttercream. A genuine 5-star sugary-salty-sweet knockout of a cupcake.

March -Hot Toddy
A spicy cinnamon, lemon and clove infused sponge combined with a delicious Irish whisky buttercream icing. Warming, indulgent and just the thing to see you through the no-doubt dreary British springtime.

April - Mexican Chilli Chocolate
A devilish combination of dark chocolate and ancho chillies with a hint of cinnamon, vanilla and almonds. Ay carumba!

No pictures of the cakes on their site yet but I bet they'll be very pretty, and tasty, as usual! Rest assured I'll be going each month to try them so as they sound delicious - not sure which I'm more excited about trying! Until then some lovely cupcakes I've enjoyed from Crumbs and Doilies previously :)

1 comment:

  1. All those flavours sound great to me :) I think a few trips over to Partridges are in order - we can go to the wonderful curry stall too :)


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